*6* Breakfast gone Wrong

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*Akira's P. O. V*

"Akira. I was so worried about you sweetie. " Daddy said as I nuzzled my face deeper into his shoulder.

"I sorwy daddy. I was lonwy and wanted to expwore...." I whimpered into his neck.

"It's OK baby. I'm just glad Yagari found you. If that level E did in fact bite you I would have killed it with no hesitation. " daddy said in a menacing voice.

We continued walking until we reached the mansion. I was almost asleep but instantly woke up when I heard a door close.

I opened my eyes and snapped my head up as I looked around. I looked outside the window and noticed it was dark outside.

"Time for bed Akira. Let's get you cleaned up." Christa said walking into the room.

Daddy smiled at her before handing me over to her as I placed my head on her shoulder.

*3rd P. O. V*

She carried Akira into the bathroom in her room where She then sat her on the bathroom sink as she turned the bathtub faucet on to the right temperature as it filled up with water.

"OK, now let's get those dirty clothes off of you. Tell me, how did you get so dirty? " Christa said smiling as she lifted the dirty dress off of the small girl.

"I was training with Yagari-Sensei, Zero-kun, and Ichiru-kun. It was really fun. " Akira said happily.

"Oh yea? And what were you training for? " Christa asked as she lifted me up and place me in the tub. The warm water on the small girls skin made her body feel nice and relaxed.

"We were training to kill the mean level E vampires. And the mean ones. " she said in a straight voice as she stared at the wall in front of her.

Christa was taken back slightly by the young girls sudden change of attitude as she watch her glare at the wall. After a few seconds though thermally girl snapped out of it as she smiled and began to try and swim in the bathtub.

Christa smiled, grateful that the small girl was back to normal as she began to was her body free of all the dirt and sweat on her.

Once she was done she lifted the girl and carried her into the room and sat her on the bed. She then walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a pair of black silk pajamas and some underwear. Everyone always kept some of the small girls clothing in their rooms in case she ever bathed or slept in the room.

Christa then walked towards Akira and dressed her before placing a kiss on her forehead and sitting her on the ground.

"Now run along to your room and go to bed you little blood sicker. " Christa said smiling as the little fanged girl ran away giggleing.

When Akira walked into her room she was startled when she saw all her brothers sitting on her bed.

"Nii-sans....? " she said cutely as she tilted her head to the side.

They all turned their heads and stared at her for a minute as they took in her cuteness, blushing slightly.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Where gonna sleep with you tonight Imouto-Chan. " Laito said smiling.

Akiras face quickly lit up as she smiled and ran over to her bed. She tried to get up on the bed but she couldn't.

Subaru chuckled slightly as he got down and helped the small girl up.

"Thwank you Su-nii. " she said as she climbed to the center of the bed.

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