*34* Duet

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Looking at Kaname, Akira could see him staring off at Yuuki with a longing and conflicted gaze before he turned towards her as well, the same look in his eyes.

"Come, let us return. " He said as he held his hand out to her.

Looking at the hand then him, then back to his hand, she reluctantly took it as she sighed and walked forward.

Once they reached the dorms, the two purebloods continued walking, leaving everyone behind in the foyer.

Reaching Kanames room, he opened the door and pulled Akira in and towards the bed where he lied her down.

"How are you?" He asked softly as he climed onto the bed, towering over her body.

"Mhm. I'm fine." She replied calmly, not even bothered the least by the fact that one of the people she despised in this world was currently on top of her, as she stared up into his eyes, nonchantly.

"The gala Hanabusas father is holding is approaching in a couple of hours. He has invited the entire night class. We are to make an appearance there." He informed her.

"Mhm. I hate galas." She replied indifferently.

"I as well. But we must attend. Its time we make the next move."

"Whatever." Akira sighed before pusing the man above her away. "But first I will rest. Now leave me."

"This is my room...."

*Time Skip*

"Then, shall we?" Kaname asked as he held his arm out to Akira.

Reluctantly nodding, she placed her arm through the male purebloods before facing forward.

The two ented the large room, followed by Ichijo, as they made their way down the steps. When reaching the last step, the crowd all gasped. Akira removed her arm from Kanames and place her arms in front of her as the entire crowed bowed before them.

"Excuse us, we didn't mean to interrupt everyone. Please, enjoy yourselves." Kaname announced.

"Lord Kaname, Lady Sakamaki, Is it true that the two of you defended a human from the senate?" A random voice questioned.

Akira raised er brow at the mans words but said nothing as Kaname spoke, agreeing to the man which instantly caused the crowd to erupt in excted praises for the two purebloods.

"How remarkable! This must be there way of saying we should co-exist with the humans and finally show them who we are!"

"They're looking out for us all. They want what is best for the two races!"

"We truly have such beloved and kind purebloods!"

"Lord Kaname and Lady Sakamaki truly are the best!"

Kaname was smiling at the crowds praises as he gained their affection and support while Akira just rolled her eyes.

A man then walked up to the two purebloods followed by Aido and a yound girl with blonde hair.

"Lord Kaname, Lady Sakamaki. Thank you for putting up with my son." The man said as the 3 of them bowed. The man then ushered the girl behind him forward. "I would lik to introduce you to my daughter here. She is quite fond of you and I hope the two of you can become close and that you remember her."

"Father!" Aido called out in shock and protest.

'Oh ho hooo, how bold of him.' Akira thought to herself with a smirk as she raised her hand up, trying to hide it. The smirk was quickly erased though as the man continued on talking.

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