*25* New Student

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*Akira's P.O.V.*

"E-eh?" I muttered as I looked around at all the camera equipment.

Rima, Senri, and I just finally arrived at the studio where their shoot is being held.

"Aaahhhh! You're here!!!" The manager lady from earlier shouted as she came running towards me. She once again grabbed my hands but this time began dragging me away. "Come, come! We must get you all changed!"

"A-ano? Ehh? W-wait...!" I called out though she just ignored me and continued pulling me away as she muttered over what outfit i'll look look best in.

"Don't worry much about it." Senri suddenly said with a monotone voice as he appeared beside me.

"Yea. This is normal for her." Rima continued in the same voice as she appeared on my other side.

When we finally made it into a separate room full of clothes and mirrors we were lined up beside each other as 2 ladies and a guy appeared out of no where. The three began looking over Rima Senri, and I before running over to the racks of clothes and going through them.

I just stood there stiff with my confused look still plastered on my face. I looked over to my two friends to see them just standing there boredly eating pocky.

'Maybe I should just calm down and go with the flow...'

Deciding to listen to my thoughts I relaxed my shoulders a bit and calmed down.

Senri must of noticed my sudden change as he glanced at me and smiled slightly. He then shocked me as he leaned towards me before whispering in my ear.

"See Aki-chan...there's no need to worry." He whispered.

'That's what he called me when we were kids...!'

I looked towards him with wide eyes but he only winked. I was going to question him on how he knew it was me but was stopped as the women and man from before came running towards us with clothes in their hands. I was handed the clothes before being directed into another room to change.

Once I was done I stepped out of the room to see Senri and Rima wearing similar outfits.

'Well, here we go!'

*Time Skip to the next day/evening*

"Grrrrrrrr!" I growled as I stuffed my head under my pillow.

The photoshoot yesterday lasted longer then I thought it would as the cameraman wouldn't stop taking pictures. Even Rima and Senri were shocked and were tired by the end.

Now I have to deal with the scream and shouts of annoying fanboys and girls outside. I don't know what it is but they seem extra loud and excited today.

It also doesn't help that I for some reason have a really bad vibe that something bad is going to happen soon.

I was close to slipping back into my blissful dream world when suddenly I was snapped back awake by the sudden sound of knocking on my door.

"What!?" I growled out.

"U-uhm Aki-sama....W-we're leaving s-soon...." some unknown voice said outside my door before I heard quick retreating footsteps.

Grumbling profanities under my breath, I crawled out of my bed and towards my closet where I quickly changed. Once I was finally done with getting ready I walked out of my room and down the steps with a scowl on my face.

"I heard that you woke up with an attitude this morning but couldn't believe it was true." Kaname said with an amused look on his face.

"Shut it Kuran." I grumbled as I placed myself beside him. I tried calming myself down as best as I could before smiling.

'If it wasn't for Reiji-nii teaching me to control the raging attitude I got from su-nii I don't know what i'd do...'

Walking outside into the evening caused the screams to grow ten times louder causing me to internally groan.

As we walked threw the crowd of raging girls and boys I couldn't help but pity Yuuki-nee who was struggling to hold them back. I sweat dropped though as Zero-nii threatened one of the girls.

We were all inside the building when I suddenly heard a door slam. Curious, I turned back to the entrance of the building to see Yuuki-nee with Hanabusa.

"You're bothering the disciplinary committee, Hanabusa." Kaname said. I just rolled my eyes but said nothing as I wanted Hanabusa to leave Yuuki-nee alone as well.

Zero-nii then suddenly opened the  door and dragged my twin away leaving us vampires alone to walk back to class.

"guuuuhhh, why is it so noisy today?" I whined as we walked through the halls.

"Oh you don't know do you, Akira. Theres a ball that the school hosts every year and said ball is currently approaching." Hanabusa said as he suddenly appeared at my side.

"I myself cannot wait for the ball!" Takuma chimed happily.

"Sounds exhausting." Senri groaned.

"I have to agree with Senri." I sighed as I rubbed my head.

"Oh yea, sorry about last night Akira. The shoots don't usually last that long." Rima said as she nibbled on a pocky stick.

"Its alright. I had fun." I said with a smile. Then a sudden thought entered my mind. "Does this ball only allow students to attend?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure..." Takuma responded. "Are you thinking of inviting your brothers?"

"No, they're not really interested in this kind of thing but there are other people that I do have in mind." I answered as we finally made it to our class and took our seats.

"Hmm, have you guys heard. We're supposed to be having another transfer student today." Hanabusa said causing me to perk up in interest.

I didn't listen in on what they were saying though as I pondered over who this new student could be. For some reason the bad vibe I had earlier was growing as well.

I was brought back though as Hanabusa's whining was cut off by the sound of a giggle.

Looking towards the front of the class, I noticed a silver haired girl with silver eyes about my height sitting on the teachers desk.

'A pureblood...'

"This class looks like fun." She chimed. "Say, shouldn't this class have started already?"

"Who the hell...are you?" Hanabusa questioned slowly.

"The hell?" The girl questioned as she turned towards him. She then suddenly jumped across the room to him and placed her hands on his cheek. "Scuse me boy....you think you can talk that way to me?"

"Isn't it common curtesy to introduce yourself as the new student, Maria Kurenai?" Kaname said as he closed his book.

The said girl turned towards Kaname before jumping to him, grabbing his hand and rubbing her face on it.

"Oh I'm so glad to finally meet a pureblood like you lord Kaname! Oh this makes me soo happy!" She said with an annoyingly loud voice.

She then suddenly stopped though as she stood up and looked around the room "Oh, I'm sorry. I think ive made everyone a little uncomfortable. Perhaps it's best that I come back another time."

She then jumped and again and....floated? out of the room.

"What the fuck was that?"


Heyo! The second chapter is half done and I will publish it when this chapter get at least 20 votes! Thanks for waiting! Again please correct me on any mistakes i've made.

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