*7* School

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*Akiras P. O. V.*

I was at the Playground with a babysitter while my Onii-chans had to finish their school work.

I was swinging on the swings, all alone. I decided I would go ask my babysitter to play with me so I quickly jumped off of the swing and ran over to her.

"Angie, can you pway with me? " I asked as I looked up at her while tilting my head to the side.

She looked up towards me, tearing her gaze away from her phone as she blew a bubble before popping the gum. "No. " she simply said before looking back at her phone, typing away.

"Please..... " I pleaded.

"No! " she shouted angrily before smacking my hand the was place gently on her knee, off.

I whimpered as tears brimmed in the corner off my eyes as I ran across the playground.

'I don't like her! She's a meanie! ' I pouted in my mind as I sniffled quietly while poking the sand with a stick.

I suddenly grew angry as I felt my eyes slightly burn as my vision increased, telling me that my eyes were glowing red. I was gonna make her feel sorry for being mean me.

I growled quietly as I stood up and went to turn around but I stop when I suddenly heard giggling.

My eyes instantly went back to normal as I curiously walked towards the source of the giggleing.

What I saw was five kids my age playing. I wanted so bad to join them but I was to shy to talk to them.

I was going to give up and walk away when someone called out to me.

"Hey! You!" a boy with brown hair said as he ran towards me.
"I'm Kai! Wanna play with us? We're playing tag!"

I looked at him with shocked wide eyes while he just smiled his goofy grin at me.

'He wants me to play!? '

I suddenly smiled as I quickly nodded my head. He smiled even more as he reached down and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the other kids.

For some reason when he grabbed my hand, it shocked me as I felt my cheeks start to get warm.

"Who's that Kai? " A girl with short brown hair in two little ponytails asked.

"Actually. I don't even know. " Kai said scratching the back of his head as he grinned sheepishly.

The girl then turned towards me and smiled. "I'm Yumi. Nice to meet you. "

"I'm Kikyo. Nya~" a girl with short blue hair said as she carried a stuff bunny in one hand. Her other hand was pulling on the kitty ear that was on her hoodie as she stuck her tounge out and closing one of her eyes.

"I'm Ash." A boy with short black hair said. He had a bored look on on his face but I could see in his eyes he was happy and curious.

"And I'm Lily! " A girl with long blondish-brown hair said smiling.

I didn't realize it was my turn to introduce myself as I just stared at them.

"So... What's your name? " Yumi asked.

I quickly shook my head as I introduced myself. "My n-name is A-Akira..." I said quietly.

"Cute name. I like it, Aki-chan." Kikyo said smiling.

"Come on let's play now!" Kai said as we all ran off and began chasing each other.

But after about 30 minutes of playing a lady began calling them over.

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