A fated meeting under a luminescent glow

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"Wa, WHAT!? WHERE AM I!!!?" a panicked Jinto screamed, waking up in a cold sweat! "Huh, so none of it was real..? The same dream for the third time now, what's going on!?" he muttered, perplexed. How gravely profound? How severe in it's foreboding. A cryptic cry of an inevitable eventuality... as if someone was trying to tell him something? Jinto got out of bed and lit a small candle like flame on his finger for some light. Not wanting to remain in the same vicinity as the cradle of those enduring nightmares. And so, the young man made his way on a soul searching walk.

He quietly got dressed and snuck out of one of the windows, as to not wake his family members. The solitary soul inhaled deeply and sighed, as he slowly strode along a grassy path. The air was cool and crisp like that quenching cup of water, oft craved after waking in the middle of the night. The trees swayed and danced elegantly in the breezy tune of the majestic wind, with fireflies scattered throughout, dimly lighting the path like distant shining stars in the night sky.

He felt slightly more at peace, he truly loved nature and lonesome night walks. The young man smiled to himself with gratitude, slowly gazing at his surroundings, "Yeah, there's no way I'll ever let anyone destroy all of this, this is my home, that dream can go to hell. I've never even laid eyes on a person with skin so white, nor eyes so blue like that before... all Melanin people are dark. I mean... do people like that even exist? Even if they do, surely, none have ever come to this land before..." Jinto reassured himself aloud.

"(Sigh!) This place is all I know... are there other lands like ours? Others... possessing vivid skin, vibrant hair and striking eyes?" the melanin man pondered to himself, as he journeyed on. Soon, Jinto came to an open space, stopping to take in the scenery once more. He admired the grass that rippled in the breeze like ocean waves. The young man directed his gaze up towards the stars that were scattered across the night sky like spilt silver glitter, twinkling and dazzling all who would behold them. "Woooow, look at that!" he uttered in awe, before his eyes fell upon the brilliant full moon that seemed closer than ever. It's luminous shine, soothing and seductive. It's historical craters, no they were more like beauty spots, hypnotic and wondrous. The moon glistened and shined like a priceless diamond in a platinum ring.

"(Huff hufffff)... Argh, ugh mmm."Jinto's eyes fell from the moon as he heard strange noises approaching from the hill just up ahead.

"What is that!?" he whispered to himself. "It... it sounded like a person, but who else would be out here at this time, no ones usually around here at this hour of night?" he added.

Gradually, a figure began to emerge, staggering its way atop the hill. There they stood, proudly, under the moon's rain of borrowed light. Slowly, they surveyed the area but, hadn't noticed Jinto who was crouching down in the tall grass. However, Jinto could tell from their dishevelled aura and desperate breaths, that they were destitute.

The tamer of flames couldn't tell if it was a male or female due to their face coverings. Jinto's legs grew tired from crouching. Just as he readjusted, 'crunch' his foot snapped a dry twig in the grass! "(GASP!)" The figure exclaimed, briefly starring at their observer whom was now stood upright.

'Whooooooooooshhhhhh!' The wind gently blew as the two looked at each other... 'WHOOOSH!' Suddenly the wind howled violently and like a startled deer, the mysterious person immediately fled the area! "HEY!?" Jinto bellowed as he gave chase. They were extremely quick and nimble, darting and zigzagging side to side. "Get back here, why are you running!?" Jinto yelled, as he trailed slightly behind. But alas, his target began to tire...

A vast lake cut off their escape. The pursued one, halted, looked at the lake, then looked behind them, seeing Jinto hot on their trail! "Dammit!" they uttered, before taking a few steps backwards, preparing to jump the lake in a desperate attempt to lose their pursuer. However, with their first step forwards, they came crashing down face first like a levelled tree.

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