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Juri ran deep into the forest as Iliyana clung to her! "Tch, looks like carrying her is slowing me down a bit." She thought as she darted through the forest like a prey animal that had just spotted a tiger. The men laughed creepily and were cheering and snarling as they pursued the two girls!

"Ohhh how I can't wait to get my hands on that LUSCIOUS blonde hair!" One of the men taunted. "Mmmm and that white skin of yours looks awfully soft!" Another shouted as he licked his lips. "After that little girl's parents pay us for her ransom I'm gonna kill them and keep the girl as my pet." Another added. "We can find plenty of 'pets' here bro let's sell her off." Said the fourth of them and the fifth just laughed. One of them was closing in on Juri with his hands out stretched almost enough to grab her by her long hair. Suddenly at the last second Juri made a sharp left! Leaving the man stumbling onto the floor, the others laughed as they continued.

"If I can't outrun them while carrying her I'll have to try something else." The pursued princess muttered to herself. "Wh-what?" Iliyana said in a worried tone. "Shhhhh it's nothing my baby keep holding onto me tight and don't let go ok?" Juri said as she ran her hand through Iliyana's hair. "Ok big sis." Iliyana said as she buried her face into Juri's chest while her heart grew with fear.

"I've survived all this time, I've escaped every enemy every situation alone, I can do this!" Juri thought to herself as she upped her pace and began jumping forwards off of each tree trunk getting higher and higher until she was jumping from branch to branch. Iliyana could feel the whistling wind rushing past her as her big sister fled. She poked her head up over Juri's shoulder "Wow! Big sis you're doing it, they're starting to fall behind!"

She said as she saw the gap between them and their pursuers begin to widen. Hearing this spurred the royal refugee on even more! "I swear I'll protect you the same way Jinto protected me..." Juri thought as she increased her pace even more! Her breaths grew heavier and her legs burned and ached but it meant nothing to her, she'd made up her mind, it was either escape or die.

"Damn it, nimble little rat isn't she? Didn't think Casians could move so fast. Ok men I don't care if you get a little rough just don't kill them." One of the men said who appeared to be the leader. Hearing this, Iliyana gripped even tighter onto Juri. The five men began to show their abilities, it was mostly common for Melanin people to have unique abilities as well as naturally strong, fast and resilient bodies.

(Pa pa pa pa pa pa POW!) it sounded like gun shots as hardened sand hurtled through the air like bullets. Most missed but some grazed Juri on her arms, legs and back leaving scratches and cuts on her. But she forged onwards as she started to zigzag from tree branch to tree branch to stay out of the line of fire. Another man shot a burst of burning hot steam where she was going to Jump. Juri was already airborne and couldn't change her trajectory so she turned her back towards the burning steam blast to shield Iliyana as Juri took the brunt of the damage. The next attacker struck the tree with his rock clad hand so hard the tree began to fall!

"HAAAAAA!" Juri shouted as she began to run down the falling tree trunk then sprung to another then the floor where the pursuit continued. "Hahahahaha good work she's out of the trees!" The leader exclaimed. To Juri's shock the leader of the men began to run at high speeds, unusual even for those of the Melanin race and his body began to morph and grow! He had changed into a tiger except it had pitch black fur and red stripes. In this form he easily caught up to her and tried to swipe at her with his powerful claws!

But the experienced royal, swiftly ducked and rolled! Then darted left as soon as her feet touched the ground from the forward roll. Juri knew if she stayed on the ground the tiger would easily catch her! She once more ran up a tree and tried to leap to the next but the last of the men revealed his powers. Vines shot from his hands! They instantly wrapped around Juri's legs as he slammed her into the ground with a huge thwack upon impact. "ARGH!" Juri was winded from the impact but she knew if she stopped it'd be all over!

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