Truthful lies

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_________________________________"Looks like she's at her limit

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"Looks like she's at her limit... I wonder what she's been through?" Jinto muttered quietly as he momentarily gazed at her. The wind started to howl once more, invigorating the rustling trees and grass. Jinto took a deep breath in. "For a strange girl to be in an unknown land, alone and all beat up like this... it must've been desperation that drove her here. Something must've forced her to run away from her home but... what could she be fleeing from?" he pondered. The melanin man took a deep breath in... "No choice, I'll take her back with me." he affirmed to himself, it wasn't in his nature to desert someone who was in need, or abandon those in pain.

He gently picked her up ever so carefully as if he was plucking the most beautiful, delicate flower from the ground. "Nn-noooo, please... I don't want to be.... Don't... aren't I your?...." Juri murmured in her unconscious state. The rest was inaudible cacophony, a concerned look streaked Jinto's face before arriving outside of Melanina.

"Hmmm, how will the rest of the villagers react to seeing this girl? Most of them to my knowledge have never seen another human with alabaster skin and cerulean eyes. The youth will probably be more accepting, but the elders... they're backwards... Probably will say she's bad for the village and can't stay... plus people love to exploit that which is rare and different... they do it to animals, why not people too?" Jinto murmured pensively.

Twilight descended upon the heavens like a dripping oil painting. The empathetic young man took Juri to a small abandoned building on the outskirts of the village. The dilapidated building used to be a small shop but was left once the owner decided to expand his business. The building had a slightly wide room at the front and a smaller room at the back. It was dusty, old and covered in cobwebs but it was the best place to hide a person in the village. Jinto looked around the smaller back room which had nothing in it except for a old, worn down wooden table a sink and toilet.

"She's gonna need a bed.. but nothing is open right now, I guess she can have mine...." Jinto thought, whilst delicately placing her onto the ground like a precious glass vase. He then took off his sleeveless hoodie, rolled it up and placed it under Juri's head as a makeshift pillow. Using his fire abilities to augment his speed, he blazed back home in the blink of an eye. He created several fire clones of himself and gathered many things such as his bed, clothes, dry foods like bread and dates, as well as toiletries and headed back to the abandoned building.

Jinto arrived and placed the bed down, Juri watched him as he diligently made the bed, put the food on the table and left the toiletries on top of the sink and water bottles by the bed and folded the clothes and placed them at the foot of the bed. She was in awe. "Why? Why would he go through such lengths for a stranger, especially me... if my people were to meet a black person they'd surely..."

"Tadaaaa!" Jinto exclaimed loudly, interrupting her thoughts.

"Wow, not bad, you'd almost have one whole star if you were a hotel." Juri teased.

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