Lets Change The World!

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"It's finally here!" Alard exclaimed, pleased that everything was over, at least for today. The helicopter slowly descended, causing much of the rubble to be scattered like a man blowing dust off of an old book.

"Hey, what's that?" Aiesar asked. Like curious kittens, he, Alard and Saeiqa went to go investigate, but what their eyes fell upon left them in shocking awe.

"I don't believe it!" Alard uttered. For they had stumbled upon an old man, laying over a slightly younger but still elderly woman. Cast upon his face was a blissful smile. It was indeed Kane. But was it the collapsing house that took his life? Or perhaps his sheer longing for his wife was too much to bare, so his soul chased after her like a smitten boy. While the cause of his death was unknown, it was clear as day that he was finally in a place of tranquility. Having left this wretched world he could now spend an eternity with she who completes his heart.

The three of them stared in emotional silence, with soul-stirring feelings billowing from within. "Is this... really what we're doing to people?" Alard asked in a disheartened tone.

"The Melanins aren't evil nor devils. Rather we were the devils that ripped these two from this world." Saeiqa remarked.

"In obeying other than God, we have been humiliated." Aiesar added.

"My dear brother and sister in humanity, may God Almighty reunite you two together in the gardens of paradise.".

"Ameen." Aiesar, Saeiqa and Alard said instinctively.

"Wait, Alzalam!? You're ok!?" Alard shouted excitedly.

"Yes, all praise be to God, but there are more important things to worry about. Our pasts, our futures, our faith. It's time we reclaim them all! Our time as E5 is ending. We will confront the king himself and discover the truth. Then, we will return to our homeland and work righteous work, in hopes that we can atone for our vast wrongdoings and oppression in the lands." Alzalam announced, as he walked towards the deceased couple.

The rest of E5's hearts shuddered at the thought of confronting the king. "What about the princess?" Alard innocently asked.

"What about her? Where is she now? We foolishly risked our lives for her, and for what!? To be deserted? To be told well done by the king? Her life is not more important than ours just because she's 'royal' or Casian! With each passing second I can feel the truth resonating inside me. That snake woman we ran into spoke the truth, as did that monster we just narrowly managed to survive against." their leader said.

"Did he not seem... possessed ?" Aiesar suggested.

"I'm sure what we saw wasn't his true appearance, something definitely came over that Jinto." Alard reasoned.

"Then there is something I must tell you all." Alzalam announced.

"Tell us." Saeiqa replied.

"While I was out cold, I could still hear somewhat. I wasn't sure if I was merely dreaming or not. But I'm certain Jinto said he defeated someone or something called Jinn. An entity that supposedly invaded his very being. Then he pleaded with the princess but she would not listen to him." their leader explained.

"Ah, now that you mention it, I did see when he was about to finish off the princess. It was when I had recovered from her attack. As I opened my eyes, he had his hand raised high in a finishing pose. But suddenly, he froze. Then he lowered his hand and his appearance changed. His spiked hair flopped down, his amber eyes turned black and he seemed overall, more human. I sensed no murderous intent or evil energy from him once that happened." Aiesar revealed.

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