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Jinto came to find Kane in a desperate situation! A mob of Casians had kicked down his door to carry out their brand of twisted justice. "Ah you're just in time boy, we're about to lynch this murderer for..." (KAPOW!) Jinto silenced the man with a skull cracking blow! The casian's head bounced off the floor, with blood pouring from his nose and ears, he was motionless on the ground. "J-Jinto, you're ok!? Juri too and Tahseen? You're ok!? Thank goodness, please help me! They..." "Stand back..."  the angered melanin man said aggressively. "But you're hurt! Those wounds, what happened?" Kane asked frantically. "A lot..." Melanina's champion abruptly replied. "Ah, my wife! What of my wife!" the elderly man asked with a flickering flame of hope in his eyes. However, the one asking the question was met with nothing but silence.

"HEY! Them monkeys are in cahoots!" one of the mob members said. "But look, Tahseen is back and even that Casian girl, she's..." "I DON'T CARE! There's too many of them here in our town anyways. He's too old to make himself useful. I say we lynch him and his accomplice here. Then have a nice Casian family take over his house" interrupted the Casian who spoke before. "WOOOOARRRGH!" the whole mob cheered with murderous gusto! Their pitch forks and baseball bats raised high.

"Juri, take Kane and Tahseen upstairs... to his room." Jinto ordered as the mob encroached upon him. Juri did as she was told without hesitation, then returned, standing on the stairs behind the tamer of flames, leading upstairs. "Jinto... I know this is bad, but..." Juri murmured.

"Whoever takes a single step forward, will die." the flaming agent of vengeance announced to the mob, interrupting Juri who wanted to remind him not to kill. Momentarily the aggressors froze in fear, his words penetrated deep, casting dread into their very hearts.

"H-he's bluffing! There's only one of him and fifty of us! Plus he's hurt! GET HIM!!!" one of them roared as the whole mob charged towards him. "Sigma... you were right, it seems beings only lookout for their own..." Jinto lamented in woeful frustration, as one of the Casian's tried to pierce him with his pitch fork! But at once, he swayed to the left, grabbed the sharp metal fork head with one hand and sliced the wooden shaft in half with the other. "JINTO!!!" Juri screamed as she knew what he was about to do...

(STAB!). Yet again the hunter, became the hunted as Jinto mercilessly rammed the fork head into his assailant's face! The man collapsed dead like a puppet that just had it's strings cut. Nevertheless the mob was undeterred and continued their fruitless assault. Another one of them brandished a pocket knife and slashed erratically! However Jinto quickly picked up the dead body of the other Casian, using it as a meat shield then swung it by the arm into the knifeman, knocking him out cold! The infuriated Melanin warrior could have easily avoided the attack. But he deliberately chose to use the dead body. He wanted to show them what he thought of them, his hatred and disdain for what they are and what they do.

Juri looked on, shocked at the horrendous sight unravelling before her eyes. Her cerulean eyes temporarily dyed red with the sight of blood, she had never seen her beloved fight so violently. The mob collectively tried attacked anyway they could, however.... (bam, pow, crack, crunch!).
The stomach churning sound of brutalised flesh and snapping bones was enough to give even the walls of the house trauma. Jinto systematically broke them down in every sense of the word. Ducking, evading and targeting the most vital areas of the human body. The men fell like flies, some with caved in skulls, others with snapped arms and legs and some with a fist sized crater in their chests.

Then... remained but a few, ten men in total. "Those sounds... it sounds like complete murder down there..." Kane whispered. "Yes, it does. That man, he isn't normal he's even stronger than the monsters that took me." Tahseen responded. "Monsters?" Kane remarked, confused. "The ones who took me and your wife, they were called Aneikas and seemed nigh invincible. Unharmed by conventional means. They feed on life force and were gonna feed on your wife and I. But that man, the one whom the flames dance for, he defeated their leader!" she explained. "A-amazing, no wonder he was so confident in getting you two back. Those Casians down there have dug their own grave! Oh! My wife!? And what of my beautiful wife!?" the elderly man asked frantically.

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