Small Ripples of hate

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There they stood at the massive gates of the city of Abyad. Although the outside looked grand, blackish grey smoke could be seen in the distance. This was an industrial city, full of factories and precious resources. The buildings were high and had black streaks on them from all the carbon/ pollution in the air. But before Jinto and Juri had a chance to enter...

"JURI! Runaway princess of the noble Casian kingdom! Oh rebellious daughter of king Sol, at long last I have found you!" a strange man said as he approached them from their right flank. He was wearing white and red armour, black under clothing, sporting a roaring lion on his right shoulder and armed with a mid length sword and shield.

Juri's heart jumped! Her worst nightmare unfolding before her eyes. She'd rather die than return to the Casian kingdom, besides she was sure they wanted her dead anyways. Before Juri could respond, Jinto interjected and said "I don't know who you are, but I'm in a bad mood right now..." as he menacingly approached the strange man, with scorching smoke emanated from him.

But the strange man was unfazed by the threatening display and continued "Juri, the graceful king has bestowed his mercy upon you. He could never turn against his own daughter he has forgiven you! By his leave, myself and many others have been scouring the land in search of you! Oh Juri, come back home, the king has changed! In his own words he said 'Sol needs his soul' he needs you, he loves you!" the Casian scout emotively pleaded.

"Are you... ignoring me..?" Jinto said irritatedly. "Stay away from me! You... everyone's trying to get in my head! They're all trying to own me, control me!" Juri screamed! "Nooo no, fair princess you must believe me, the king has something important he wants to tell you himself!" the Casian scout said with his arms held open. "This is so strange, why is he here!? How did he get here!? Why does he have the old Casian equipment, their true weapons are far superior to swords and shields. And most of all, is he the Casian enemy my mother said we would encounter? Is this the beginning of the end of my peace as she put it? Will Jinto kill him?" Juri silently pondered as many thoughts raced through her mind.

"It seems everyone's ignoring me today, perhaps I've become too nice.." Jinto said in a low rumbling tone as his patience was running out. "Tch, Jaleel wouldn't stand for this, neither will I." he thought to himself. "OHHHH! I see, have you aligned yourself with the lesser species?" the Casian scout said. "Ohhhh, I see, have you said goodbye to your loved ones.." the furious pillar of rage that was Jinto fired back.

The Casian scout readied his sword "Wait, stop don't.." but Juri's pleas fell on deaf ears! The battle had already started. The scout dashed forward, slashing horizontally like a samurai! To which the seasoned warrior easily dodged by dashing backwards, staying just out of reach of the sword. "Ha! Swift monkey aren't we?!" the scout mocked as he went for a huge overhand strike! But his attempt only cut thin air as his foe once more evaded effortlessly.

"There's something strange... his strikes seem a little too powerful and his speed seems to be increasing with every second that goes by. But it's not Qudra, the way his sword subtlety glows light blue, it's magic!" Juri deduced out loud as the battled intensified. (Swoosh, swipe, swoosh!) What appeared to be a minor threat in Jinto's eyes was now becoming something more worthy of his full attention, as the scout swung maniacally. Each slash became more polished, precise and powerful, it was as if the sword was tracking him!

"Hmph, alright I'll humour you for a little bit." the cool, calm and collected champion of Melanina said as he manifested a sword made entirely of fire. Even though Juri could feel it's intense heat from where she stood, the Casian scout remained unbothered. "How primitive, trying to copy our nobles weapons now, huh monkey?" he taunted as he and Jinto's swords clashed ferociously, creating small shockwaves.

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