Polarising Tears & Fractured Hearts

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'KABOOM!' The Haraq Shafra hit it's mark with such a tremendous impact that it shook the whole city of Abyad! As if the city were a child being shaken by an adult. "Easifuh, (cough, cough) that was truly magnificent!" Alzalam shouted excitedly, as he coughed from the plume of smoke from the attack.

"You mean... we actually beat him!?" Alard said, almost believing it was too good to be true.

However, Aiesar remained silent. He stared at the impact sight with deep intent, for his Qudra was truly a reflection of his fluid and dangerous mind. Water is such that it can find it's way through the smallest cracks, it can take any shape, erode the mightiest of mountains. And. It can also destroy with an unforgiving, unstoppable force. "Hey, you guys, do you know how a tsunami starts?" Aiesar suddenly asked.

"A tsunami? Why ask such a thing now?" Alard replied with confusion.

Nevertheless, Alzalam was truly astute. He knew Aiesar wasn't one to speak foolishly. He knew his soldier was trying to warn them all of something without alerting Jinn. "Tell us, Aiesar.." E5's leader ordained.

"Everything becomes eerily calm. The water recedes. And then, like divine punishment a colossal wall of water destroys all that it sees." the water wielder explained.

"And what best, would suffice as a plan of action against such a force of nature?" Alzalam asked.

"When the water recedes... you run!" Aiesar replied in a grave tone.

"Is he trying to tell us to run!? Is that monster still alive!?" Alzalam thought to himself as beads of sweat, full of fear, fell from his face.

Could it be that the silence befalling the battlefield was not the calming relief of victory? No, such pretence would be wishful thinking. For verily, the air was still heavy, still laden with the murderous intent that oozed from their fallen foe.

"Ha! I get it... Aiesar. Let the winds calm you." Easifuh said confidently, while blowing the smoke away with his Qudra. He slowly walked up to the impact sight and grimaced before looking back at his comrades. "SEE! He's clearly been cut in half there's nothing to worry about.

"Why isn't there any blood?" Alard asked.

"I don't know, I'll take a closer look at him." Easifuh suggested.

"N-NO DON'T!" Alzalam barked as Easifuh knelt down until his face was inches away from Jinn's corpse.

"Relaaaaax, he's clearly dea..." 'BOOM!' Instantly, without warning Jinn's corpse exploded like a land mine!

"EASIFUH!!!" Alard bellowed. Within a fraction of a second, he created a wall of rock to mitigate the blast. However, alas, Easifuh still suffered enough damage from the blast to render him an unconscious bloodied mess.

"Mhmhmhmhmhmhm, ahahahahahhahaaaaaa, AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahhhh what a shame, he could have at least screamed instead of dying silently like that, how... anticlimactic." the undying demon's two toned voice rumbled deeply, vibrating the very ground they stood on.

A curtain of dread fell upon E5. Suddenly, the air became heavy like standing at the mouth of a volcano as it spouts it's scorching breath. The heatwaves were nearly visible, tangible even as footsteps could be heard from below, edging towards the entrance of the impact site. Alard looked to his leader like a scared child hoping their 'invincible' parent will save them. He then looked to Aiesar, however "A-Aiesar!? Where are you!?" the earth user shouted in a panic. His comrade was nowhere to be seen.
"Alzalam! What are we going to do!? Is this truly the end of us!? What about finding out the truth of our pasts, our families? What if they were right and we really have been manipulated, brainwashed and have been fighting on the wrong side. All those innocents.... How can we face our God when..."

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