It Purifies and Punishes

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"I- I think you've actually done it! Hahaha! Incredible! You've taken down a monster like him, captain!" one soldier said as the rest of them gathered in a circle around Jinto's body. They were still cautious, still wary, believing it was too good to be true that such a foe could be ended so quickly. As they peered over him like a bunch of kids who had just found a dead body, Juri's battle with Saeiqa intensified!

"YOUUUU!" the thunderous elite roared, his rage personifying itself in the form of a mighty thunderstorm that enveloped the city. Juri's heart pounded. Her hair blew aggressively in the wind. This was a fight against a powerful foe and she would have to fight it without Jinto, she couldn't afford to lose.

"I can do this, I can do this..." the princess muttered to herself over and over as they circled each other.

'Zzzst! Kacrack!' Saeiqa wasted no time and fired a powerful blue bolt at her, however she quickly created a reflective barrier that shot it right back at him! "Nnngg! You're more adept at battle then I thought, princess..." Saeiqa remarked as he narrowly evaded the lightning reflected back at him. Juri herself was surprised at her prowess and ever excelling mastery over her Qudra. However there was no time to ponder...

"Hmph, there's no way a sheltered brat like you is naturally this strong. If we were the guinea pigs, then surely you must be the finished product." Saeiqa said with loathing.

"Finished product? What are you talking about?" Juri replied, puzzled.

"See, you're far to slow... now try and block this!" he said; he stood side on with his left side forwards, with slightly bent knees and raised his right hand high. Juri readied herself. "NOW!" 'ZSSST! KACRACK!' lighting shot down violently from the sky to his raised fist, his whole body was enveloped in spiking lightning energy "FACE MYYYY THUNDERCLAP FIST!!!" Saeiqa bellowed. A loud thunderclap roared and in a blueish white flash, as instant as light itself, he covered the few meters between them and  ploughed his electrifying fist into her chest. 'Zzzst, zzzst!' the lightning sizzled, cracked and spat like boiling oil in a frying pan.

"(Cough, cough) I... didn't even see you move..." Juri murmured as she coughed up blood and collapsed to the floor like a demolished building.

"(Pant, pant) It's very taxing, (pant, pant) but with my thunderclap fist, I can briefly move at the speed of light and my fist becomes like a javelin of lightning." the electrifying elite stated. "Even Alzalam and the others don't know about this move. With it I just may be the strongest member of E5! And with it, I'll put an end to you!" he continued as he clenched his sparking fists.

"And (cough) just what do you think E5 will do, let alone my father the king, when they find out you've killed me?" the damaged damsel asked.
But before he could answer, Juri continued to press him. "What if Jinto does win? What if he finds out you've killed me? There's no way in hell you'll beat that man...." she said, installing doubt and fear into her enemy.

"Well..." Saeiqa said with a pause.

"Whatever you're planning is doomed to fail! Even if you ARE the strongest you're not the smartest. If you kill me, then you're as good as dead. And I know my father, your family and friends will be tortured in ways that makes death seem like a dream.. and then, he'll kill them!" the brave blonde declared; she stood up, still damaged from the attack, reigniting her golden Qudra around her.

"Ummi.... Baba...." Saeiqa whispered with apprehension. The daunting reality hit him like a train. "Once again... you subjugate me, Casian. Ya Lord, is my lot in life nothing more than to spend my existence in servitude to these devils? All just to keep my family and friends safe!? Please... please PLEASEEEEE! Oh GOD ALMIGHTY, FREE ME FROM THE SHACKLES YOUR CREATIONS HAVE PLACED ON ME! (Sob, sob) am I not your worshipper, am I not your believer. I know with hardship comes ease and there is no might except Yours....." Saeiqa prayed as he fell to his knees, raising his hands up high with tears falling as abundantly as the rain.

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