Sinister Reflections

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"Hey, over here you two!" one of the black men said from the side of them, beckoning them. "Ah finally a normal person!" Jinto said as he and Juri went over to him. "I am Kane, I can tell instantly that you two aren't from around here. Come with me to my place you can stay for as long as you like, oh weary travellers.". Jinto was far too hungry to second guess the abrupt/ convenient invitation "Of course, let's go!" he said as his stomach growled. Juri giggled to herself, rolling her eyes as the now, trio headed back to Kane's house.

"Oi, you two! I wouldn't trust that one, he's a murderer!" one of the white citizens said loudly, causing everyone in the area to stare at them. "What?" Juri said "Yeah that's right, that orphan girl Tahseen from a land that has a sea made of sand went to his the other day. She's a maid you see. She went to his just before sunset and no one has ever heard from her again, not a trace, naddah! It's Kane, he's killed her and hid the body I tell ya!" the man yelled hysterically at the top of his lungs.

Jinto and Juri turned to Kane, expecting an explanation but he remained silent. "Come on... I'll tell you everything once we get to mine." Kane said suspiciously, hurrying the two along. "Oh well, don't say I didn't warn ya! It's your funeral!" Kane's accuser shouted.

The three of them finally arrived to a house that was as pristine as the waters of a private island. A delightful aroma fluttered throughout the house and a soft, royal purple carpet caught the eyes. Beautifully decorated curtains hung mysteriously in the place of traditional doors except for the entrance that had an actual door. "Please, make yourselves at home while I bring you some food, you must be starving from your travels no?" Kane said thoughtfully. The two nodded and sat on some purple cushions with silver trimmings.

They could hear Kane racketing about, as he swiftly prepared their meal. "Pssssst! So um, are we just gonna ignore the fact that he was literally accused of murder five minutes ago!?" Juri whispered and Jinto shrugged in response. "I mean, what if he's poisoned our food!?" she continued in a hushed toned. "Well I'll die from hunger soon if not from the poisoned food. So even if it is poisoned, at least I'll go on a full stomach!" Jinto jested. "Ugh, you're too carefree, this is why you got eaten by the snake weirdo!" the princess complained. "Heyyyy! First of all Zinneera's venom didn't kill me so why would poisoned food do so? Second of all I LET her eat me so I could save Iliyana." he shot back.

"ZINNEERA!? So you've even memorised her name huh? It's no wonder you let her eat you, I wonder what else you'd let her do, loser. And her venom didn't kill you because I MADE her cure you, idiot!" Juri barked. Jinto noticed a hint of jealousy in her voice and decided to capitalise on it as revenge for all the silent treatment she gave him.

"She cured me? How nice of her! Ya know she has a human form. It's totally different from her snake form, she had these deep green eyes and jet black hair with a green tint, I think even her skin was a little green. I've never seen anything like it." he said with a big grin.

"Oh yeah? I bet you've never seen hell before either but I'll happily send you there, jerk!" the furious princess shouted as she went to deliver one of her trademark slaps... (catch) but her beloved caught it. "Why you!?" she said but her anger was soon diffused as he pulled her in and hugged her tightly saying "That's for ignoring me so much earlier." then the smooth Casanova kissed her on her cheek causing her to light up like a lamp.

"Ahm! If you two are done with your lover's spat... the food is ready." Kane said, chuckling to himself. "Y-yeah, thanks.." the two said, awkwardly laughing while Kane laid out a lavish looking cloth and served the food. It was curry chicken and rice with bowls of exotic fruits that looked like pieces of a rainbow and a big sponge cake for dessert. "ALRIGHT!!!" the famished Jinto shouted, laying waste to his meal as Juri and Kane also tucked in.

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