Melanina's Champion

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"No- it wasn't a trick, you have to believe me I..." 'KABOOM!' Like a triggered landmine, Jinto exploded, cutting the downed soldier's sentence short. The force of which, left the Vike king looking like butchered meat.

"Was that... another one of his strange clones? Was he not actually here himself?" the soldier pondered quietly.

"ARGH! That underhanded.... How DARE he do this to me!? But even with his ungoldly Qudra, EVEN with his animalistic brute force... I stand triumphant at the apex of existence. We Vikes, WE CASIANS AT LARGE WERE BORN TO RULE OVER ALL MEN AND BEASTS ALIKE! INTELLECT! INTELLECT, is what separates us from those lesser beings. Bwaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! I'm so happy, I could sing! My goodness, VICTORY is truly the greatest high!" the Vike king boomed with glee, whilst blood oozed from his open, seeping burn wounds.

"There was no honour in that...." the lone soldier said.

The king's ecstatic laughter came to a screeching halt. "WHAT... was that Alexander? Do you raise your voice in contempt towards your king?" he replied threateningly.

"Yes, I do (cough) he only dropped his guard because he showed mercy to me, a hopeless killer too weak to do the right thing..." Alexander sputtered.

"Hmmm." the king hummed maliciously, raising his sword up high to deliver his twisted judgment upon his soldier of bondage and blood. "You are a traitor. A traitor to your people and a traitor to your race! What Vike, what Casian in their right mind would ever side with one of THEM! The judgement is death! For you... AND your disgusting, monkey loving kith and kin!" the vile Vike king bellowed.

'Tup, tup, tup!' Nefarious footsteps stalked the two men, approaching from behind with an overwhelming murderous intent.

"Who- WHO'S THERE!?" 'DM!'

A blistering fist, embellished in ravenous flame; burst forth from the king's stomach! "Weakling..." Jinto growled, as he removed his hand from the king's body, his fiery face contorted with disgust.

"ARRRRGH! (Splutter) Yo-You.... But how!? I had slain you myself, with my very two hands!" the king gurgled, with blood spurting out of his mouth like an overflowing water fountain.

Jinto peered over the worthless devil in human skin, writhing on the floor as blood gushed from the gaping hole in his stomach. His eyes, nearly glowing with despise as he picked up the king from behind, by his shaggy grey hair.

"Do it, Jinto, do it! Can't you hear them? The voices of the unheard, the cries of the lost and fallen, the pleas of the innocent? I can still hear their screams! I... can still see their demise! Kill... the.... king! For scarring our beautiful land, for his sacrilegious acts that desecrated our very honour. Every breath he takes is an act of oppression! Destroy him now, lest our people suffer a crueler fate then that which was already afflicted upon us, by that disgusting Vike...." Jinn's voice echoed internally.

"Our.... People...." the tamer of flames muttered. 'VM!' Immediately, Jinto's hand ignited with a fierce flame that engulfed the king's head.

"N-NO, WAIT STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!? Spare me please, I beg of you! I see now, I see your people are worthy of recognition, o-of freedom! Let me go and I swear you will find me to be the most trusted of allies to your cause. Women, gold, resources; whatever you need friend and I will supply you with it. Just let me go!" the vile Vike king grovelled, whilst desperate, pathetic tears streaked his deplorable face.

"Friend!? Ha....ahahaha.... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA....! Taste the torment..." Jinto scorned. His flames blackened with hatred, increasing in searing, scorching, excruciating heat, causing the Vike king's face to slowly melt... no, more like disintegrate....

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