Lachrymose Eyes

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"Come to me!" Alzalam ordered and immediately Aiesar, Alard and Easifuh responded to the beckoning of their leader.

The king's face was contorted in rage, his jaws flexed as he ground his teeth in anger. "You sand dwellers think you can ever challenge me!?" he roared.

Alzalam then began to speak in a foreign language "قوة الملك لديها وقت بارد اعتمادا على عدد الثواني التي يتقدم فيها أو يبطئ الوقت!". The rest of E5 nodded, awaiting their orders. For their cunning leader had revealed the king's weakness. He told them that his Qudra has a cool down period equal to the amount of time he advances or slows time down.

"What gibberish has befallen my ears!? I'll silence you for good!" king Sol erupted!

'BOOM!' "Silence me? We'll erase you from existence!" Alzalam declared as he surrounded the king in a dome of countless portals!

"What manner of trickery is this!" the king barked.

"Alard, Aiesar, Easifuh, do it! Saeiqa.. you know what to do!" their leader commanded. 'BOOM, POW, CRASH!' In that moment Aiesar, Alard and Easifuh bombarded the dome of portals with their Qudra attacks, every time an attack entered a portal it ejected from another one, in an unreadable direction! 'DM, VMM!' This forced the king to use his time Qudra constantly, to slow or accelerate time to avoid the erratic attacks pelted at him like scattered pinballs.

"HAAAAA!" Alzalam exclaimed, as he stretched out his hands which glowed dark purple. Suddenly, the attacks began to get faster, faster and faster still. Thus forcing the king to alter time up to 2-3 seconds, leading to a longer cool down time and a perfect window of opportunity to be exploited.

"Grrrrr, HOW DARE YOU!?" king Sol growled as some attacks began to land, slowly withering him down like a persistent current of water breaking down a mountain.

Alzalam was watching carefully, waiting... until he saw the king extend three fingers to avoid an attack; there would be a three second window to attack now. "YA SAEIQA, SMITE HIM NOW!!!" Alzalam roared!

'ZZTTTTST! KACRACK! ZZZZST!' Blinding bolts of blue began to explode from Saeiqa as he raised his right fist up high and took a wide stance. "HMMMMMM HAA! THUNDER CLAP FIST!" the electrifying warrior roared! Then, with an almighty crack of lightning, he shot off towards his target like a sniper bullet.

'DMM..!' Suddenly, Saeiqa dropped from the air, like a clay bird shot for sport. Blood pooled from his impaled chest as he desperately gasped for air. "Al... (gasp, splutter, cough) Alzalam... I'm sorry, I.... I'll, (cough) I guess I'll be giving our apologies to that elderly couple early..." the fading fighter spluttered as blood flooded his mouth and poured from his chest. He then let out the chuckle of a dying hero before stretching out his right hand "Mother, father, I leave you in the hands of my sworn brothers. As for me, it's time to face the judgement of my Maker." Saeiqa then stopped mid sentence, warm tears streamed down his face. He truly regretted all the evil he had done at the order of the king. Kidnapping, brainwashing, blackmail, these concepts meant nothing to him. He felt a true believer would never bend to a tyrant no matter the cost!

"Oh Lord, The Most High, the very essence of peace and mercy. Rain down upon your servant your forgiveness and let it be known that I have died, trying to do the right thing and indeed our actions are judged by their intentions and (cough) their... endings...." the dying hero uttered, as his hand fell down lifelessly to the ground. Saeiqa, ceased to be...

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