Beyond The Surface

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(Voom!) "Ugh, finally he's back!" Juri said to Iliyana as they smiled at each other awaiting Jinto's arrival. "I'M BACK!" the vibrant young Melanin man said with a huge grin on his face and a bag in his hand. "Wow did you go food shopping? You kept us waiting so you could stuff your belly huh!" jested the Casian princess. "Hahaha maybe that's how he fuels his fire" Iliyana added as the two sisters laughed heartily. "Hahaha well I would've asked you to cook buuuut I have a feeling Casians don't cook so well!" Jinto countered back. "BWAHAHAHA!!!" Iliyana erupted with laughter as Juri stormed over to Jinto to give him one of her signature slaps!

(Swoosh!) "Too slow princess!" He mocked, having swiftly ducked her slap, leaving her hitting nothing but air. "URGH! Well... I heard you Melanins sink like rocks in deep water, especially the men! I think a good long soak in the ocean will extinguish that rude mouth of yours!" Juri said, somewhat proud of her witty comeback. "Well I'll definitely need to rinse my mouth out if I ever eat YOUR cooking!" he replied cheekily while Iliyana's innocent laughter echoed ceaselessly in the background. "Oh yeah? Rinse the taste of this outta your mouth!" (SLAP!) "OWWW!" Jinto howled as he held his throbbing cheek from her fierce slap. "Too slow big boy!" Juri said victoriously as she cheekily flipped her hair in his face. "Hahahaha score for big sis, she got you this time big bro!" Iliyana just about managed to say, in between her bouts of laughter.

"She didn't win! Just that someone has to be mature enough to let things go!" he said in a childish manner. Despite his immense strength and wisdom beyond his years, Jinto had an intense hatred for losing. Competition would truly bring out the little kid in him and he'd sulk like one too if he lost at anything. "Aww is the big baby gonna cry now? Did I hit you too hard? Shall we go back and get your mama?" Juri continued, revelling in his apparent annoyance. "Well excuse me for not being an aggressive animalistic person like SOMEONE I know.... Anyways I have something for you both!" Jinto said with a big warm grin that erased his previously sulky expression.

"REALLY!?" the two girls shouted excitedly in unison. "Yes, behold what I, Jinto am about to bestow upon you!" He jokingly said in a royal accent. "TADAA!" he said as he pulled out two exquisite dresses. One of them, as though it were painted with the night sky and dipped in a river of star dust as the crystal studs shimmered beautifully. It was a long and elegant full arm dress that befitted Juri's royal status. The arms of the dress from the shoulder to the wrist ascended seamlessly from midnight blue to white with black embroidery patterns on the very edge and small crystals planted around it like precious roses made of glass. The bottom of the dress also followed a similar colour scheme and design. Finally, the sweetest fragrance emanated from the dress. It smelt as if happiness itself had been squeezed like a lemon, doused in sugar and made into a perfume! "OH MY GOD!!!" The two girls shouted as their eyes were transfixed upon the stunning dresses and their mouths wide open.

They were at a loss for words, and simply gazed in awe of the two dresses' beauty. The second dress was the same in likeness except it sported a purple and white colour scheme and was smaller. "If a dog is supposed to be man's best friend I guess expensive dresses are a girl's best friend huh." Jinto said lightheartedly, he continued "The blue one is for you Juri, and the purple one is for my little Iliyana!" he said, flashing a loving smile at Iliyana. "Oh my god I love it!!!! You're the absolute best!" Iliyana screamed as she ran towards him grasping her new dress. "I know." He replied smugly, "I..... I uh." Juri stuttered, overwhelmed by Jinto's kind gesture. Jinto merely smiled at her and she ran over, squeezing him tightly and kissing him on the cheek.

"It's absolutely amazing! You're amazing! You don't understand how happy you've made me Jinto! What made you do such a thing?" the emotional princess asked while Iliyana twirled around like a fairy in the background in her new dress. "Well..." the generous Jinto said as he placed his hands on Juri's shoulders. "I see it." he said. "See what?" She replied. "I see the glances of the eye, the silent words the tongue doesn't speak, the unheard cries of a worn down heart. We've all had it rough in our own ways and a true man is one who brings happiness to others." the astute man said. "Woah, I'm at a loss for words! Are you really Jinto!?" Juri asked in a shocked manner. "Hahahaha of course!" he replied putting his hands on his hips and puffing his big chest out. He glanced at Iliyana who was still obliviously twirling around then glanced back at Juri, smiled and said "If you wait long enough you get to see a closed flower bloom, simply put, if you spend enough time with me you'll see many hidden sides to me." he explained.

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