Equivocal Warfare

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'ZZZST, KACRACK!' A brilliant bolt from the blue struck down by the pier.

"Oh my, you two are back awfully quick aren't you!?" the sailor said surprisedly, as Jaleel and Frederick emerged from the shimmering sparks.

"Hmph, naturally..." Jaleel replied pridefully, gesturing to Frederick.

"Ah.." he nodded, placing a big bag of gold coins into the sailors arms.

"W-what!? For me!? N-noo this is too much I couldn't possibly-"

"The people are the foundation and I shall be their king..." Jaleel interrupted, whilst walking away with Frederick.

"Oh thank you, thank you Jaleel! May you become the new leader of Melanina! You and your brother, he's as pure as they come!" the sailor yelled with gratitude, enthusiastically waving at him.

"Hmph, yeah...." the prince of lightning murmured with a warm smile before continuing to walk away.

"The Vikes will surely attack us, why I would say they have already prepared their fleets by now." Frederick exclaimed.

"Good, we need to distribute this gold to the destitute among our people, then we will rendezvous with Jinto and execute the rest of my plan." Jaleel explained.

"Right!" his companion affirmed.

High upon the rocky hillsides, Jinto stood watching over the distant ocean, whilst the siren of seduction basked in his presence; her skin glowing in the setting sun's luminous eminence. The crashing waves scattered sparkling droplets of water like dispersed pearls. Glittering, glimmering, like a subtle beacon of hope and a second chance at happiness. The ocean's lullaby pacified all of creation and softened the hardest of hearts. Sea birds soared and pranced in the paprika sky, defying gravity with their aerial majesty. And the white sand glistened like an embellished carpet.

"Almost euphoric, isn't it?" Zinneera commented.

"Yes, it is... How can anyone believe that all of this came from nothing? Only the divine, could create the wonder that has blessed our very eyes." Jinto replied, staring out in awe.

"I agree, the world isss magnificent and I'm looking at it's centrepiece..." she said with admiration, gazing at her love interest's golden-brown skin that almost glowed in the sunset.

"Hmph, Zinneera..." the tamer of flames uttered with a slight smile, as he slowly turned to face her. His gaze was magnetic, drawing her in like a moth to a flame. His eyes, warm yet strong, piercing yet merciful, with an underlying, uncontrollable fierceness about them.

"Yessss, how might I help you?" she answered playfully.

"Why are you... so dedicated to me?" Jinto asked as the waves crashed vehemently, causing glittery droplets to rain down like a shower of diamonds.

Zinneera's heart skip a beat and butterflies took roost in her stomach. She wasn't expecting this so soon, she had grown used to the chase, accustomed to it. But this was her opportunity, her chance to either win him over completely or to lose her hopes in the vast sea like an abandoned ship in a bottle.

"I- Well you see that'sssss, well I..." she nervously stammered, whilst self-soothing by placing a hand on her chest. Her eyes were darting around like pinballs, avoiding his fixated gaze. And then she looked at him. His stare, so intense but somewhat longing for something...

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