Corruption and Trauma

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"My people were born equal, we were born free!" Jinto uttered, slowly caving to the seduction of the bitter abhorrence growing within. The intense feelings that he had held at bay, were like a developing foetus, kicking, finally showing signs of life. Indeed the prophesied threat that Bulqise warned of, loomed over the world like a shadow of a lunar eclipse, should the foetus of hatred be born... Jinto's entire being began to become unbearably hot, causing Juri, even with her golden Qudra to let go of him.

"Ow! No need to burn me, I'm not your enemy Jinto! And you're not mine. I believe in your sentiment but, you don't have to be consumed by the evils of the world." Juri pleaded.

"It.... D- didn't it? Did..." suddenly an unclear murky voice invaded Jinto's mind!

"ARGHHHHH!" the Melanin man exclaimed in agony, gripping his head as he collapsed to one knee!

"Jinto! JINTO! What's happening!?" the worried princess screamed. Hearing all the commotion, Tahseen snuck onto the stairs and watched, careful not to be seen.

"Killing them... it felt good didn't it? Doesn't it feel so right, seeing scum get what they deserve? Seeing the oppressor oppressed? The killer, killed? The usurper, usurped?" spoke the mysterious voice. It was a strong, confident and cunning voice, dripping in authority, power and experience.

"Who ARE you!? What're you talking about!? And your voice, why does it sound like.... ARGHHHH!" the young Melanin man's sentence was cut short by crushing pain in his head.

"Shhhhhhh...." the enigmatic voice said.

"Jinto, who are you speaking too!?" Juri said as her lips quivered in fear, she couldn't see nor hear the voice but she could feel a terrible presence. One that didn't belong in their world, it was unnatural, decadent and invasive!

"Those memories you saw, they're mine..." it explained.

"But what do they mean? Why show them to me!?" Jinto said forcefully in a pained voice. Unable to hear the voice, all Juri could go by was Jinto's replies to it.

"All in due time, for now all you need to know is, that woman, she will crush your heart... and your world. She, will betray you and bring destruction upon Melanina. She fears you, detests you, even before I spoke to you, it was clear something was off. Do you really think Juri cared so much about those scum dying? No.... It's because she's afraid... afraid of what she thinks you'll become. Do you know why..? IT'S BULQISE! Her mother! She's the one, Jinto, she's the one who has labelled you a devil, a world destroyer, a missionary of death! The Casians will come for you. Juri... will come for you. No matter what you do.. or say, I promise you she will come and destroy all, that you are... all that we are. She can never understand us, she can never understand you. Your pain, your struggle, your sacrifice! Were you born to be the world's second? Weren't you born as Jinto Boeteng, a man equal to any other!? A man who is free!? Spare no enemy, spare no Casian! And survive! Just, as you have promised Sigma! Survive! For your people! Survive! Because you was born into this world!" echoed the powerful voice.

Once more, a burning steam roared, as Jinto remained kneeling on one knee, hunched over. A tempest of a dark purplish-black smoke violently erupted from him. Swirling around maliciously as Jinto slowly stood up, facing Juri. "Don't you think I know all about it? I know why you fear me? I know why you're so concerned about me finally doing what I must. It's because Bulqise has been feeding you ridiculous predictions. You're not just concerned about me killing Casians, rather you're truly worried about me becoming the world destroyer who will come and destroy the Kingdom of Casia. Correct?" he said, as he slowly walked towards Juri with an intimidating gait.

"How did you!? I mean.... Ok yes! Fine but there's more to it than that, if you would just listen to me!" Juri pleaded.

"No wonder he was able to beat Sigma and the Aneikas. It's because... he's truly a monster..." Tahseen said, bewildered at the drastic character change and maleficent energy surrounding him.

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