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"WAIT!" Zinneera demanded, to her surprise E6 stopped in their tracks, humouring her, before killing her off. "What is it, green monkey?" Dukhan asked arrogantly. Zinneera's eyes were a picture of loathing, she truly harboured immense, intense hatred towards Casians for reasons only known by her, more so, she didn't take kindly to being referred to as a 'green monkey'. "Sssssince when did the feeble Casians acquire Qudra? I thought your kind ssseldom had those strong enough to have them?" her words were like a cobra spitting venom. "Just how animals were the first ones to walk this Earth, you beasts were the first to have Qudra. However we, just like the honourable ancestors of the human race whom cultivated and tamed the land, have finally acquired and tamed Qudra." Alzalam replied conceitedly.

However Zinneera remained un-phased by such a comment. Indeed her cunning could be likened to arsenic, tasteless, odourless and deadly. "Hmph" the green gal scoffed. "Don't you know it's customary to introduce yourselves before entertaining a woman?" she continued. E6 didn't realise that Zinneera was ever so slowly edging towards them as she spoke, using hand gestures that are common in speech to draw their attention away from her feint advance towards them.

Dukhan who was stood at the front of E6; being the one closest to Zinneera answered first saying "Hah! You're a strange one! Since it's basically your last request before we kill you I guess we'll honour you. I am Dhukan of the smoke!" with ghastly smoke enshrouding him.

"I am Aiesar of the typhoon!" Aiesar said, as pressurised water violently gushed forth from him like a geyser.

"Call me, Alard..." spoke the third of them; the ground trembled and quaked under his feet.

"SAEIQA.... of the thunder bolt." barked the fourth among them; thunder clouds gathered and roared like a tamed beast, ready to protect it's master.

"And I am Easifuh of the storm." the fifth uttered in an eerily calm manner, like the calm before a storm.

"Lastly, the great leader of E6. Indeed it is I, Alzalam." the final one of them said with an air of mystery, still secretive of what his Qudra is.

"Well, well... who would've thought sssssuch ugly mugsssss would have such fine names? Guesssss you can't judge a book by it's cover aye boyssss? Zinneera jested.

"Ha, yh, yh, make the most of the few minutes you have left on this Earth...." Dukhan retorted.

"You boyssss aren't too sssssmart are you? she stated.

"Oh? And just what could you possibly mean by that?" Aiesar questioned.

"Yes, cannot you see, that we hold your puny life in our hands... at a moments notice, we could crush you." Alzalam added.

Zinneera laughed suggestively and took yet another step toward them; she placed her hand on her chest tracing circles. "Oh, I do like a feisssssty man! Although... you're nowhere near as exhilarating as 'him' (sigh) I dareeeee to ssssay he would thoroughly trounce all of you ssssinglehandedly." the green gal instigated.

"Ho Ho!? And who is this mystery man, about which you make such outrageous claims!?" Easifuh demanded.

"Calm yourself, Easifuh. Cannot you see? This woman merely bluffs to buy time. There is no such man like that." Alzalam said, reassuring his comrade in arms.

"Indeed, such fables shouldn't shake your mind." Saeiqa added.

"Hmhmhmhmh..... AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh just thinking about him sendsssss tinglessss down my sssspine! Shall I tell you who he is!? He is a man who doesn't know the word defeat! His legs stand like pillars and his arms are instruments of strength. Hissss melanin skin that almost shhhhines gold and fierce eyes that know no fear. He is the one who has tamed fire itself, he is Jinto!" Zinneera exclaimed!

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