Perfecting the massacre: 1 vs 1000

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Several long days had past after Juri's violent training session. She sank into her bed like an anchor, admiring the misty, dark, overcast evening sky that wore the fog like caked up foundation. Stagnant storm clouds congregated the heavens and shunned the moonlight. "It's like looking at myself..." Juri said to herself. She sighed, reminiscing of the first time she met him. The first time she laid eyes upon the tamer of flames. The sovereign of light, apathetically sat up and longingly pressed her hand against the window. "I wonder what you're doing now... Jinto?" she uttered softly.

"Juri.... dearest daughter of mine. Why do you lament? You are our saviour! Our twisted family will be bent back into shape through you, and we can all be together again once you and your father resurrect me with the Jewel of Tahseen." Bulqise's voice echoed internally.

"I'm not sure... if I even care about any of that anymore...." Juri replied.

"But Juri! My darling! You will be the one who saves not only Casia but the world at large! You saw the proof for yourself! You saw my premonitions. They were truth manifest. Sometimes, the needs of the many simply outweigh the needs of the few." spoke the corrupter of dreams.

"But what if we're the few and they are the many?" the dejected damsel questioned.

"My sweetheart... life is such that in order for one to flourish, another must die. In order for the majority to live, the minority must perish. Especially when they threaten to take our freedom!" Bulqise said.

"Free-dom.... Freedom? And what even is freedom, for in your supposed love for me I have been shackled to misery. Is this what love and duty is supposed to be? Am I not just a glorified weapon for the kingdom of Casia!? Why is it in love I am chained but in hate I am free!? When father wanted me back at the castle either alive or dead, I was free. For the first time mother, I was truly free! I saw lands I had only read about, landscapes that I thought only existed in dreams and people whom could have only come from One Creator! Yes it was tough, yes I was a wanted fugitive. But, I was... I WAS FREE! For a time I did want us all back together but now I perish the thought!" the princess bellowed.

"Juri.... I... I'm sorry you feel that way I.."

"Sorry!? You're sorry!?" Juri interrupted. "Are you sorry that I cry myself to sleep every night!? Are you sorry that night terrors grip me relentlessly!? Are you sorry that my heart is broken and my soul is shattered!? My only happiness, I betrayed my only happiness and left him half dead in the forest. I-I don't even know who I am anymore!" the burdened blonde screamed.

"You don't know who you are? Why you are my daughter! You are my best friend and most treasured and cherished person to me in the entire world! You are Juri, princess of Casia. You are Juri, daughter of Bulqise! You are Juri, the noble saviour of the entire world!" Bulqise said emphatically.

"WRONG! I am Juri the broken and destitute! I am Juri the betrayer! And I am about to become Juri the destroyer! You called Jinto the world destroyer but in order for us to survive I have to destroy his world!? We are nothing but self righteous colonisers..." Juri barked.

Bulqise was stunned, she had never known her daughter to possess such fire, such strength. Truly, Jinto ignites the hearts of those whom he meets. "... You saw the visions for yourself. You saw them unfold and become reality. Do you side with a demon and cast aside your family!? He IS the world destroyer! He and his people WILL attempt to destroy us and the world. The time of that is nigh... You saw him change into his true form. Not long ago you feared him, fled from him and now here you are betraying your family yet again! Where do your loyalties lie!?" Bulqise yelled, her voice was like a lashing whip trying to punish her daughter and force her into submission. Truly, Bulqise, the queen of Casia was an emotional subjugator.

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