Her new little sister

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Jinto gingerly walked through the main room, up to the door and asked "Who is it!?".

"Open the door idiot!" an unwanted voice demanded.

"Great... it's my older brother." Jinto grumbled to himself as he opened the door ajar, so only his face could be seen. "What do you want Jaleel? And why do you know I'm even here? Don't you have anything better to do than to stalk me!?" the melanin man erupted with agitation.

"Woah woah, I've only just got here and you're already snapping at me. Is this, any way to treat your guest, let alone your big brother?" Jaleel whined sarcastically.

"In order to be a guest you have to be invited!" Jinto snapped back.

"As long as we're related I'll always be your guest, J." Jaleel bespoke with an annoying grin.

"Why are you so annoying!?" the younger brother barked.

"It's my duty as your older brother to annoy you, if you don't like it you should've been born first." the older brother jested as his grin stretched to the ends of the Earth.

Jinto didn't respond. Rather, restless flames began to emerge from him in annoyance, like the reaching arms of prisoners behind bars. Simultaneously, electric sparks jutted from Jaleel. However, Jinto didn't want to damage the building by fighting, so he reluctantly calmed down.

"So... why is your bed missing along with food among other things?" Jaleel inquired.

"Oh, do you wanna know my shoe size too detective!?" Jinto blurted in a snarky manner.

"Not only did I notice stuff missing but I saw you carrying someone?" Jaleel revealed. But his younger brother didn't reply, he just stared blankly.

"I also heard voices and it sounded like a giiiiirl was in here?" the big brother teased. Yet again, Jinto didn't reply but his breathing betrayed him. Shallow breaths whispered the truth whilst his face solidified. "Hmmm all of the sudden your face is like stone, like you're hiding your expressions? Also.... There's a strand of blonde hair on your top... we don't have blonde hair, do we, Jinto?" Jaleel deduced as he crossed his arms.

"Ok fine, there's a girl in here of the Casian race and she just needs help, she's really hurt and been through a lot." Jinto confessed.

"It's not like you to be THIS concerned for strangers is it? Ahhh, I see. You're into Casian girls aren't you, she must be your girlfriend!" Jaleel jested with an incriminating nudge. The poor tamer of flames felt hot in the face, appearing to be flustered. He hated talking about feelings in general, let alone girls with his brother.

He inhaled deeply and shouted "SHE'S NOT MY GIR..."

"UM.... Hi, I'm Juri aha" the princess interrupted, as she came up behind Jinto, flicking her golden hair back. She then wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. (Babum babum babum!) his heart beat was off the chart! He didn't know what to do, so just smiled awkwardly.

"Jinto and I, are secret lovers." Juri said shyly as she began to turn bright red. "H-he didn't want to cause any commotion as not many people here have seen a girl like me before. That's why he's got me hidden here and supplied me with furnishings and food." She continued while lovingly rubbing his arm up and down. Jinto hadn't received much physical touch/ affection in his childhood, so he found this very comforting. He knew she was acting to throw his brother off but he went along with it, "I don't know when I'll get to experience this kind of thing again." he thought to himself.

"So please, Jinto's big brother, can you keep us a secret? Jinto and I wouldn't be able to bare it if the villagers found out and separated us." Juri pleaded as she stroked Jinto's face. Jaleel grew sick of watching all this affection in front of him. He didn't truly care about what Jinto was doing, he only wanted to annoy him. Even the princess's appearance and evident injuries, were unworthy of his attention.

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