Tumultuous Travel

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"Freedom lies with the One who made the moon huh?" Juri said as she wriggled out of his arms and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Yes..." he replied with a thoughtful look in his eye. Juri's eyes met his, prompting the usually vague and mysterious man to reveal more of his innermost thoughts and beliefs.

"And what of your go-" "THEY'RE not.... my gods" Jinto snapped, interrupting her, his emotions were so intense she could physically feel it emanating from him like an aura. "You really feel strongly about that huh? Sorry I didn't mean to call them your gods, the gods your people worship, the ones the elders wish to bring to this world?" Juri asked, in a comforting manner. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I just hate being associated with false beliefs." Jinto replied repentantly.

"Dont sweat it big guy." the Casian royal said, cutely smiling and kissing him on the cheek. Juri knew exactly how to calm him down, she knew the only thing that could overtake his usual cool, calm and collected thinking was his ardent, intense emotions. She pondered over the contrast between his fervent feelings and Kaleel's lack thereof. They were both unpredictable and dangerous in their own way but she knew at the very least, Jinto's feelings aren't derived from evil. Whereas Kaleel was presently unreadable.

"Juri." Jinto said, bringing her train of thought to a halt. "The gods the elders worship, those powerless statues they force on all of us. I hate them, I detest them. They cannot eat, nor speak, nor defend themselves! They can't even clean themselves. Were I to strike them, they would shatter. They were created by our ancestors. But consider this Juri. Imagine a man having many masters, each dictating their will to him. Surely he would be confused as to who to obey and he would surely witness his masters fight over control. What is better, that, or having one master who takes care of everything? This is the example of the polytheistic worshipping of many man made statues and plural gods versus worshipping one true god that our hands did not create."

"Are these the ocean of thoughts that exist beneath his flippant exterior?" The intrigued princess thought to herself. "Ok, and the One who created the moon is surely the one who is the true God right? Then let's find Him together!" Juri said encouragingly "Right!" Jinto said in the affirmative. "And remember, you're not alone silly. We will carve out our own path to freedom in this life until we find the true freedom you spoke of." Juri continued.

"When did you become so smart?" Jinto said teasingly. "Around the same time you became so dumb!" Juri teased back as the two laughed. "Ha, I'll let you have that one." he replied with a warm smile. "Good! Now let's go catch up to that shadow flame thingy you're so proud of." Juri said as she playfully poked his cheek with her finger. "Whatever." Jinto said chuckling as he picked her up again and leaped into the distances.

Meanwhile, Iliyana and the shadow flame had gotten considerably further ahead and were now in the middle of the forest that surrounds Melanina. "Wow it looks absolutely beautiful! Juri is gonna love this!" Iliyana said giddily as she jumped up and down. Jinto's shadow flame smiled in acknowledgement.

The two stood in the middle of a clearing surveying their surroundings, admiring their handy work. The trees had been furnished with amber fairy lights that slowly blinked like seductive eyes. A sweet aroma, delicately fluttered through the air like a butterfly from the flickering scented candles. A silken blanket had been laid out that was softer than the clouds themselves. And several picnic baskets lay temptingly, while a luxurious tent had been pitched, awaiting it's guests of honour. Finally the stars had come out to ballroom dance in the night sky as they glittered and shined.

"Ugh! I wish I could see big sis' reaction it's not faaaaair! I wanna get spoiled too now!" Iliyana said childishly. "Awww well we can do something fun too!" the shadow flame replied while ruffling her hair. "Uhuh, like what?" she asked. "Hmm have you heard of the Sukkar friut?" he said. "The Sukkar fruit!?" she said with excitement bursting at the seams! "Yes the Sakkar fruit! They said it possesses a sweetness like that of ten apples combined! Far better than any candy right?" the shadow flame said persuasively. "The sweetness of TEN apples!? TEN!?!?" Iliyana said as drool dripped from her mouth. "Ewww, haha yes ten times, it apparently looks like an apple except it is golden, small like a plum and from it emanates the scent of honey!" he explained. "Ok ok! Small, golden and smells like honey let's go!" Iliyana shouted as she grabbed his hand and ran further into the forest in search of that fabled Sakkar fruit.

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