A Blue Shooting Star

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_________________________________The wind jostled in excitement as the two men stood before each other

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The wind jostled in excitement as the two men stood before each other. Two flames. One eternal, seeking the coolness of death. The other, fervently clinging to the burning vigour of life. Who will give their life...? Whose fire... will be extinguished?

"It's you and me, Blue Gangsta! Not even a vampire can stand against the champion of Melanina!" Jinto declared.

"Hmph. Once I beat you I'm gonna take your cute little friend over there back to my place. The book of clarity already has her and I written togetherrrr..." the vampire taunted.

Jinto's eyes were like windows to a furious furnace, barely containing the scorching inferno of rage that threatened to break free. "Stand back Zinneera. He's mine! I don't want his filthy blood getting on you when I... REND HIM FROM THIS WORLD!" the tamer of flames bellowed as the two charged towards each other!

'Bam, ta, pow!' A flurrying storm of exchanging strikes sent ripples cascading through the air like a pelting hailstorm assaulting a body of water. Merely witnessing the fight was intense, every movement, every calculation was razor sharp, leaving no room for error. They were like two men upon a frozen lake. One slip, one mistake would cause the ice-sheet to crack and one of them would sink into the oblivion of defeat!

"Oh infernal warrior." the vampire said wistfully during their bout.

"What!?" Jinto barked.

"I don't tire..." the eternal entity uttered with a vacant look of superiority, as he gained ground in the brawl and knocked Jinto back with a punch.

"GAH!" Jinto exclaimed.

"I thought you were going to claim the book of clarity..." Blue Gangsta sardonically sung, landing another blow on his foe. 'BAM!' "I thought YOU would be the one to grant my wish..." he continued, whilst landing a rising kick to his chin. 'POW!' "I thought you wanted to protect that beautiful woman of yours from me..." he lambasted. In that moment, he bore his teeth with frustrated despondency, raising his fist to the heavens, before bringing it down like a hammer of judgement. "I thought YOU wouldn't be... ANOTHER DISSAPOINTMENT!" he hissed with venom!

'DM!' The tamer of flames caught his punch and slowly looked up at him, glaring!

"A disappointment...?" Melanina's champion repeated. His hand, gradually clamping down on his enemy's fist.

"Oh no... to call him that... He doesn't know what those words mean to Jinto... those words are a scar that his parents engraved on his heart..." Zinneera murmured silently.

"You and I are not the same... you fight to die, too weak to carry your burdens. Too weak to face your pain head-on. Whilst I! The champion of Melanina fight to survive! Though the world hates it! Though the world resents my kind, I burn brightly, surging on to meet the next challenge. So... DON'T YOU DARE LOOK DOWN ON MEEEE!" the tamer of flames erupted! Instantly, his grip around the vampire's fist tightened as he released a minor explosion, maiming the Blue Gangsta's hand.

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