Fatal Emancipation

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Sigma stood tall as he looked on at his fallen foe, his body poised proudly while his eyes discreetly wilted with regret. "After that woman, as a token of my respect for you I won't feed on anyone of Melanin descent.... I'm sorry.." he said, placing his open palm on his chest. He then made a fist and continued "But we just can't afford to trust each other, not in this life. Perhaps, in the hereafter. Until then goodbye... Jinto." Sigma then solemnly began to walk away.

"Jinto wake up, Jinto!" Juri shouted as she lightly shook him. "Hm, what's this?" the princess suddenly uttered. Her beloved had attached a tiny spark, almost too small for the naked eye to perceive to her hand. It then took form, becoming a miniature shadow flame and running along her arm, up to her ears whispering "Jinto says he is fine, he only played possum so that you would approach him. Thus allowing him to attach me to you discreetly without Sigma noticing." Juri was both astounded and confused.

"But why would he do that?" she whispered. "Sigma knows your Qudra is his weakness. He is planning on having a one on one battle with Jinto, then when the opportunity presents itself he will strike you from where you do not perceive. Taking out his biggest threat instantly. So Jinto planted me here, awaiting that crucial moment. When Sigma strikes... I will protect you then you'll use your Qudra to finish him off. Also the other Aneikas are still lurking in the reflections, they might surprise attack you too." the shadow flame explained. Juri nodded along as it embedded itself into the fibres of her clothes.

"Hmm, the girl is unusually quiet considering I just took out her companion. Isn't she going to attack me with that wretched golden light of hers?" Sigma thought to himself, growing ever suspicious of her. Sensing this, Jinto finally stood up and said "Hey Siggy, I'm not done yet!" deliberately saying his name wrong. "It is SIGMA, human!" the Aneikas bellowed. "You think I'd be beaten that easily? You were moved by my words before weren't you? Well, my fists hit way harder than my words do. Come on, let's see who's strongest, the Aneikas or humans!" the Melanin champion shouted as he brushed his nose in a Bruce Lee like fahsion, flashing a cocky smile.

"Maybe it's a good thing all humans aren't like you." Sigma remarked as a tiny smile cracked upon his menacing face. "Right, here goes! ROUND TWO!" the flaming fighter erupted as the two rivals charged at each other once more.

(KAPOW!). Again their fists violently collide in an Earth shattering collision! "Here, it's your favourite!" Sigma shouts as he opens his mouth wide to shoot another energy blast! Without hesitation, Jinto forcefully pushes his jaw shut then blasts him with his flames! "URGHH! Not bad... human..." the Aneikas leader sputtered as he slammed into a cave wall. "Ha! You think I could just walk away after you made me look bad with that mouth blast of yours?" Jinto boasted.

"Incredible! Jinto, just how strong are you really? Ever since you fought that Casian scout you've seemed different. Yes you were strong but now you're so... powerful. What's changed?" the Casian princess asked. "It's you who's incredible." he replied, referring to her being way stronger than she realises. "Huh, what do you mean?" she asks curiously. "It's nothing, and as for what's changed... ever since I saw 'it' in the forest I've felt different. As if I was asleep all this time and now I am finally awake." he explained. "What!? What are you talking about? What did you see?" Juri concernedly probed. "His memories..." Jinto vaguely states. "His memories? What do you..." "ENOUGH PRATTLE HUMAN! Gone are the pleasantries, from here on it will be a fight to the death. Then you will see the only thing that can be trusted is..." "Your own strength!" Jinto interjected, cutting Sigma's rant short.

"DIE!" Sigma howled, darting towards his foe like  a sniper bullet! Jinto's face changed, he now seemed just as murderous as his attacker! His aura was like before back in the forest, when it seemed something had overtaken him. (SWOOSH!). Sigma swung his right elbow blade at Jinto's face. (BWOK!). Instantaneously, the epitome of fire unleashed a powerful straight right hand punch! "Damn you! Human!" the Aneikas leader screamed, while his right elbow blade was sent flying into a nearby cave wall! "He- he punched it clean off!? First he blocks a sword with his first now this!?" Juri mumbled to herself, dumbfounded at the specimen of strength before her.

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