The Three Hopes Atop The Mountain Peak

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'BANG, BANG, BANG!' Someone furiously knocks on Jinto's front door. He could tell from the ferocity of the knocking that this was no mere visit. Some unwelcome visitors were here on nefarious business "Third son of the esteemed elder, Frude! Open this door at once!" a gruff voice demanded.

"And make it quick, if you know what's good for you!" said the second of them.

"Or are we gonna have to take you on a trip down memory lane? A trip full of beatings just like the ones you used to get as a kid! Ahahahaha!" the third of them snarled.

"How about a one way trip to the grave!" Jinto barked back, while opening the front door. His eyes fell upon them. The wretched three, Ohunu, Baako and Mmienu! Jinto glowered at them with a deathly stare, his eyes full of loathing rancour and a vigorous hatred.

"OHOHOHOHOOH!" Ohunu laughed patronisingly.

"Our old punching bag is all grown up!" Baako added.

"You may be grown but you're never too old for a beating, boy. I'm sure you know why we're here?" Mmienu stated, with all three men peering down at the lone man. They were huge in stature, with musculature like an ox, height like an elephant and the fierce aura of a predacious lion, these built, 7ft men were indeed domineering. All three of them sported tribal warrior clothes, they were bald and had intense Melanin facial features.

"Punching bag? No... It seems Frude has sent you to the slaughter house. Ha! In that case please, come. I welcome you to the end of your life..." Jinto replied with a cocky, fearless flair, as he stepped to all three of them, looking them in their eyes.

"Such confidence! Check him out boys, he gets played by a Casian woman and still has the gall to talk big to his elders." Ohunu exclaimed. In that moment, the air felt ten times heavier, as if Jinto's rage was heavier than gravity itself.

"Aww look at him, we struck a nerve!" Baako jested.

"We'll strike more than that! Listen boy I'm sure you remember how Frude would send us to uhhh discipline you when you got out of hand as a boy? Well your honourable father wasn't too pleased with your arrogant display at the chamber of elders. So he's called upon us once more to put you in your place." Mmienu threatened.

"I am not the weak and merciful boy I once was. Forged by the fire of tribulation I am now fortified with strength beyond your reckoning. So I advise you. I warn you. Whoever crosses me will never look the same again..." the tamer of flames foreboded. Suddenly, an eerie crackling sound like burning wood emanated from the flickering flames emerging from Jinto. The embers danced like devils and cackled a murderous cackle that foreshadowed great violence.

"Look at little Jinto! He thinks he's all grown up now with his little flames!" Ohunu scoffed.

"Perhaps the touch of a woman has made him arrogant, thinking he could ever defeat us!" Baako added.

"You've never harmed us with your flames before boy, why would you suddenly be able to now!?" Mmienu jeered.

A cocky smiled cracked upon Jinto's face while he lightly chuckled.

"HEY!? Wipe that smug look off your face and answer us boy!" Ohunu roared.

"(Sigh). Pity..." Jinto replied.

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