Bloodied Hands and Lying Tongues

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'Knock, knock, knock!' A guard nervously knocked on the door of the king's royal hospital room. "King sol, your noble daughter Juri is here. She demanded to see you sire!" one of the guards announced loudly from outside of the room.

"Ah, (cough, cough) of course! Bring her at once then depart (groan)." king Sol replied, accompanied by pained coughs and groans.

"Why is he coughing and groaning in pain? What's happened to father..?" Juri muttered to herself while entering upon the king. The guards who escorted her, sheepishly bowed while walking backwards, leaving the royals to their privacy. "F-FATHER!" the princess shrieked! The gruesome scene that befell her eyes would scar anyone, be they doting or disdainful towards their parent.

Doctors paced around frantically, spouting surgical jargon while they desperately reattached king Sol's severed arm. The sight of it all, the blood stained scrubs, the heart monitor beeping ominously, the tubes inside king Sol's nose. Juri had never seen her father so wounded, so weak... His pride that usually resided upon his face was replaced with bruises, the arrogant tyrant who always stood tall lay there battered. The monster was now a wounded beast, in this moment the king was but a vulnerable old man in his daughter's eyes.

"Ah... Juri (cough) is that you, my dear?" king Sol uttered weakly.

'Tup, tup, tup!' "FATHER!" the princess yelled, sprinting over to hug him. She laid her head upon his chest like a toddler. Her ears wept at the sound of his laboured breathing and wheezy chest. His whole body creaked like centenarian rickety floorboards, as he meekly wrapped his good arm around her before disengaging the embrace.

"Ah, my daughter Juri... thank goodness you are here." her father said.

"Tell me who did this!?" Juri demanded, still taken aback by his dire state.

"Ah, but first tell me what harm came to you? Your forehead is cut, you have bruises and your hair looks like it was forcibly cut?" he said.

"Well... it was that filthy Zane! He tried to have his way with me and said he wanted to usurp your position as king, father." Juri explained.

"Why that dastardly dog! I'll...!" but king Sol's words were cut short by a shooting pain from his injuries as he tried to sit up.

"No, rest father. It's ok I... well, let's just say Zane is no more.." Juri said grimly.

A dark yet proud smile appeared upon the king's face, like black storm clouds covering the sky; yes some would expect life giving rain from them but lo, those clouds bare a blazing storm. "You truly are my daughter!" he said, while ruffling her hair. A strange feeling arose inside Juri. Words of affirmation from her mother were one thing, but they were always 'close', but open affection and praise from the king himself? Could everything somehow go back to how it once was? Had her father finally changed his ways? Could she live happily with her family? These were the thoughts surging through her mind.

"Juri, my daughter..." the bed ridden royal said woefully. Immediately, he gripped her, pulling her in close. Juri couldn't remember the first let alone the last time her father hugged her. She was totally paralysed. She was a kitten being carried by the back of its neck, completely docile and defenceless. For verily, what woman doesn't yearn for their father's affection? What woman won't wilt in the arms of the most important man in their life? Yes the bond between father and daughter is indeed one that transcends many a relationship, save for a few. A pillar, a protector, a provider, a teacher, a source of tender devotion. Yes a father is all these things and more, a father makes their daughter feel safe, loved and protected. And for the first time Juri felt that from hers.

"I'm sorry Juri (cough) I am." the old king sputtered.

"Father, save your strength!" Juri replied worriedly.

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