The World Destroyer

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As the two glide through the night sky, eery cracks slowly appear. The cracks get bigger racing forth, spreading until the sky resembles a broken mirror. "Mother?" Juri said but Bulqise  remained silent as she came to an abrupt stop, levitating in the sky with her while she waved her hand around like a orchestral conductor.

The cracked mirror sky turned a crimson red then (crrrrr crackle crack!) the sky shattered like a dropped chandelier splintering into millions of pieces! Each jagged fragment showing within it events of past present and future, then the pieces descended into nothingness. Miraculously out of nowhere buildings rose from the ground! And the sky was still crimson red.

These buildings almost appeared to be wailing as they burned in decadent flames! There were thousands of people screaming, running for their lives! Suddenly dozens of planes zoomed past the two girls! "There he is! Target in sight I have a clear shot!" "Do it take him out we can't afford anymore...." (BOOOOM) "ARGHHHHHH!!!!"  One of the planes was shot down by a massive fire ball.

But this fire was different it was dark, almost black. Juri looked down to see a hooded man laying waste to the city, sparing no one. What appeared to be sand on the ground were in fact the ashes of those who dared challenge this masked harbinger of death! "WHAT IS THIS!?" Juri screamed in horror! But Bulqise didn't speak.

Within moments the city was as if it had never existed, it was but ashes and flames.... "This... can't be father can it?" Juri thought to herself. Then the scene changed, children and women were being chained up, beaten, stepped on, they were being humiliated and subjugated. (Kacrack!) The shaken princess heard the crack of a whip as she saw Casian people who'd been enslaved and were being whipped and forced to work on a work site. She began to cry at the unforgettable scene that had been stained onto her eyes.

Instantly the Casian castle appeared behind the mother, daughter duo and the masked man turned around facing them but his face couldn't be seen. In the blink of an eye he surged towards the two! Juri flinched in fear and clung to her mother but he phased through them and disappeared. As did the whole area, changing to a battle ground where a war was taking place.

"Look my sweet Juri, look at our pure, honourable men fighting for the Casian kingdom! Yes how noble our cause how harrowing our plight! In the same way that mankind with their smaller weaker bodies still conquered nature and the beasts it harboured, WE TOO SHALL CONQUER THESE PRIMITIVE ANIMALS WHO WOULD DARE RAISE THEIR HAND AGAINST THE GREAT CASIAN PEOPLE!" Bulqise shouted!

"Mother.. were you always like thi..." "Darling... he may have bewitched you for now but in time you'll see. Now be quiet my loved one look and see for yourself." Bulqise said, interrupting Juri. That same hooded man was tearing through the Casian army like a hot knife through butter!

In that moment five soldiers appeared! Kitted out in special gear and they seemed different from the rest. Ready to sacrifice life and limb for country, they charged the masked man in a desperate attempt to put an end to all this terror! But one by one they were being beaten down! It was a vicious battle however they began to start using advanced coordinated attacks to gain the upper hand.

Eventually they had defeated and subdued the masked man. Juri looked down at herself as she was suddenly in army gear! She was now inside a plane that had landed next to the captured masked man, still being subdued by the 5 elite soldiers. The soldiers inside the plane were telling her to do something but to her it was all incoherent yelling. The door of the plane opened and the soldiers around her bowed down as she walked down the steps. "Princess Juri! We have finally captured this devil!" A soldier said as he pulled the masked man's head up slightly.

A dark smile could be seen on his lips but his face still remained partially covered by the hood. "Now we will finally see the face of the devil before we have you executed for daring to stand against the noble Casian kingdom!" Another soldier said as he pulled the hood off of the man. "J-JINTO!!?" Juri screamed as he stared directly at her with a malicious, violent savage grin which penetrated her very soul! "NO WHAT IS THIS I DON'T ACCEPT IT!!!" Juri continued as she began pulling on her own hair and tossing from side to side in absolute shock! "This is a lie all a lie, I'm just having a nightmare! My Jinto isn't a killer he saved me twice! He saved Iliyana! He's kind he's gentle he's..." but Bulqise interrupts and says "He's also violent."

"He will come for the Casian kingdom he will come for me and... he will come... for you my treasured one. I speak no word of a lie, my visions are true, look within your heart and search your feelings. You'll know it to be true too. We share a bond far greater than what you have with HIM I am your mother you are my daughter we must stick together." Bulqise said while rubbing Juri's hair.

"We are of noble blood, it is upon us to protect our people... to protect our bloodline and stay at the top as the apex of humanity!" Juri began to shake. "My dear come now." Bulqise said as she wrapped an arm around her daughter. "Look! The enemy is Jinto the world destroyer and he must perish!" Bulqise said. "NO MORE GET AWAY FROM ME!" Juri shouted! Then she began to scream!

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