Stardust Tears And The Beacon Of Hope

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"Still.. it must've been hard somewhat. Having to take your own father's life even though he was an evil man." Jinto said.

"If I didn't, he would've taken sssomething from me that I can never get back. And disgraced me far beyond redemption. Do you understand what I am trying to sssay, Jinto?" the venomous vixen asked.

But the tamer of flames remained silent. He knew full well what she was insinuating, but he didn't want to utter such painful words.

"It's ok, you don't need to answer. So, continuing on with my story... after my mother's murder, I awoke to my father dragging her body as if she was a slaughtered animal! He buried her swiftly then took me home. The anguish, the tribulation, the sheer torture I felt nearly drove me to madness. Apart of me blamed myself for what had happened. If only.... If only I had mastered my Qudra back then I could've finished him and protected my mother. The twisted guilt and sapping sssorrow led me to a dark place. I-I even started to cut myself. Harming myself was the only control I had over my life, and the pain, it sssomehow... It proved to me that I was alive, other timesss it quelled the chaotic storm that is my existence and above all, I felt like I deserved it. Indeed my life was perpetually ssstuck in the darkness from then on. Fortunately for me, my Qudra grants me a powerful healing factor so every cut disappeared quickly, I just wish I could've disappeared with them..." Zinneera confessed.

"So I'm not the only one who's ever wished they could disappear..." Jinto thought to himself.

"Soon after, the villagersss noticed the sudden disappearance of my mother and her secret lover. My father was truly a coward! He forced me to lie for him, saying that I saw my mother and her admirer run away together. I wanted to ssscream the truth desperately but my father threatened to kill me. Yearsss past by. With each and every day that flew by, I could feel it. His sssinister, lecherous leers. His disgusting licking of his lips as he undressed me with his eyes. His creepiness and abuse only increased with time. Until one day he suddenly grabbed me and pinned me against the wall. He told me that I'm getting big and that for a teenager, I looked like a fully developed woman. He remarked at how much I looked like my mother. My heart was pounding and I froze in fear. Like a viper he struck forwards! Forcing his revolting tongue down my throat!" the violated woman screamed, clutching Jinto tighter.

"I can't even imagine the indignation, the fear and humiliation! A father is supposed to protect and all he knows is how to destroy! To be defiled, invaded like that. No woman should ever have to experience it ever! HOW DARE HE!" the tamer of flames roared in outrage. Truly his heart was one that could not bare the injustices of others.

"Well, if only there were more men like you... In that moment, I was paralysed completely! Seized by fear and shhackled by shock! But in my most direst of moments, I remembered you Jinto! I remembered how you always fought your bullies, always fought back, and always believed in yourself. Feeling your ssstrength welling up inside me, I swung a mighty swing of the arm and struck my father's temple. His head crashed into the wall, then he fell to the floor unconscious. Immediately, I ran to the bathroom and scrubbed for hours. I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed, but no amount of scrubbing could cleanse my violated soul. Shaken and emotionally drained, I retreated to my bedroom, closed the lights and hid under the covers until I fell asleep." she explained.

"We refer to darkness as something bad, but it's intriguing how we can find such warmth and comfort in it. Having the lights off and the cover over your head, I can seldom think of a safer place." Jinto said, validating her feelings.

"You see Jinto, you understand me so much already. However that comforting darkness was contaminated by him. In the dead of the night I could feel that someone was standing over me, watching, waiting... I was too frightened to come out of the covers so I remained under them. To my dread, I felt them being pulled ever so ssslowly by him. I immediately gripped them from underneath, stuck in a tug of war for my life. Suddenly he gave up and I couldn't tell what his next move would be. Like a cobra his hand came slithering under the covers and he grabbed my crotch. I ssscreamed, while he threw the covers off of me and began ripping off my clothes, in an attempt to ravage the sanctity of my body. I scrambled for the door and he chased after me, tackling me through the banister; causing us to fall down the stairs into the hallway." Zinneera suddenly paused.

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