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Suspiciously, the thick darkness faded like clouds being herded away by the wind. Although he knew it to be strange he took it as a sign, a sign to not give up hope. "No, it's not over yet! For as long as I Jinto draw breath, I will definitely find my Iliyana! I can't afford to lose, ever... I can't afford to be weak like before. Until I find the One who made the moon, I can only rely on myself!" said the reinvigorated warrior as he blazed forth into the wilderness in search of whatever creature that was foolish enough to harm his beloved little sister!

(Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat!) "Watch out!" one of the shadow flames shouted as the ferocious creature blasted razor sharp corrosive keratin needles at Juri and co. However they deftly lept into the air avoiding the deadly attack. Instantaneously, the creature's claw suddenly regenerated, catching one of the shadow flames off guard in it's pincer! The remaining two descended downwards, with such ferocious velocity crashing through a pair of the creature's front legs on each side! Finally Juri came cascading down with a piercing kick drilling into her foe, rupturing one of the creature's eyes.

As it buckled forwards from such a blistering combo, it vengefully began crushing the shadow flame it had trapped between it's pincer. "ARRGHHH! BURN!" the shadow flame shouted as it unleashed scorching flames upon the creature! "Wow you totally cooked that thing huh!" one of the shadow flames said as smoke filled the area from the attack.

"It kidna looked like a crab, you think it tastes like one?" the other shadow flame jested. "Nah but I bet it's still better than Juri's cook..." (Rat-tat-tat!) "Urghhhhh!" their light hearted jesting was met with a dose of corrosive keratin needles! Instantly killing the shadow flame that was previously trapped in the pincer and another one of the shadow flames. "N-nooooo! How dare you!" Juri wailed as the two shadow flames faded from the fatal blow, leaving only one remaining. The seemingly fireproof monster repeatedly slammed it's pincers into the ground in a display of aggression and dominance. The sole remaining shadow flame's expression changed, it's expression looked reminiscent to the one Jinto had when he faced Ravage and his men. "It seems these clones have different personalities. The other two were so flippant and careless but this one is different." Juri thought to herself as she prepared for the final round with the robust beast.

Meanwhile as Jinto surged onwards in desperate search for his sister he saw a strange woman up ahead whom appeared to be staring at him with lustful eyes. She began licking her lips as Jinto slowed down to question her. However, his face was stern, his only interest was in finding Iliyana. He slowly walked up to her, showing no sign of apprehension nor caution, he was ready to cut down anything and everything to find Iliyana.

"Hey there big boy..." the strange woman said seductively "You look so good I can almost taste you in the air." her words fell slowly and sweetly from her mouth like dripping honey. She began flickering her tongue like a snake, while suggestively running her fingers over her plump lips. However Jinto's glare remained cold, he simply scanned her up and down. Her splendid, wavy jet black hair with a subtle dark green tint did not sway the man, nor did her intensely green eyes that would capture the heart of any other man. Her sweet scent, failed to bewitch him as did her soft hypnotic voice which would easily enamour the mind of any other soul. Finally her dark green, split dress did not afford her even a single lustful glance from the stolid Melanin man.

"What's wrong honey, don't tell me you're shy? Although shy men can be fun too..." she continued as she winked at him. He was now but a handspan away from her. The stoic Jinto remained steadfast, he knew anyone he found in the forest was not to be trusted. Suddenly it dawned on him! "Why is your stomach so big compared to the rest of you?" the astute Jinto asked demandingly. "(Gasp) How dare youuuuu you naughty boy, you can't ask a lady such things! Besides..." she paused mid sentence. "Besides what." he asked "Wellllllll......." she said in a suggestive tone while rubbing her enlarged stomach "It's..... yours big boy." she said teasingly.

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