Commence Operation: Lunar Eclipse

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Jaleel stood there with his arms crossed, while his long trench coat danced in the wind.

"Stop tryna act cool, you can turn and face us now, you're not in a comic book!" Jinto shouted at his brother, whom still had his back towards him and Frederick.

"Hmph, jealous?" Jaleel replied with a cocky smile, as he slowly turned to face his small audience.

"I've brought him just as you asked. He even effortlessly dispatched of Frude's men before I had arrived." Frederick reported.

"Excellent work. Now I want you two to look at the sun." Jaleel commanded.

The three of them stared at the blazing ball of fire in the sky, doused in magnificence. It was truly the royalty of the heavens, adored by all things great and small. "Majestic..." Frederick uttered.

"Precisely...." the subduer of lightning answered.

Jinto and Frederick looked intently at Jaleel, sensing something deeper in his words.

"The sun outshines the stars and eclipses the moon. It gives life to this world of ours. Seldom would you find one who hates the sun. But the sun can be overbearing, overpowering with it's heat. It can relinquish and destroy. It shines so brightly that we cannot even look at it directly without harm. But what about the moon? The moon that soothes with it's beauty and cooling light? The moon that lights the way during the most darkest of nights? And the stars that decorate the heavens, an illustrious map from the divine, to guide sailors and lost souls alike home?" Jaleel explained.

The other two were like sponges, absorbing his every word, eager for the conclusion. Longing for the true message behind befell their ears.

Jaleel walked towards the edge of the mountain peak and swiftly turned to face the others with his fist stretched out towards them.

"The example I present to you is none other than that of the elders of Melanina, and people like you and I. WE are the pillars that hold this nation up high! WE are the used up candles that keep the pride of the elders alight! WE are the sword and shield through which this nation smites! How many civil wars did we fight in!? How many uprisings did we suppress!? And for what!? For whom!? Were we not but innocent children, violently thrust onto the battlefield. Child soldiers! That's what we were.... The leadership of the elders, the leadership of Frude, it's time for it all to set like the sun.... Permanently. Thus we three, the three hopes stood atop mount Anidaso will eclipse their rule! And so, begins operation lunar eclipse!" the subduer of lightning bellowed.

'Tap!' The three of them bumped their fists together in agreement of their shared vision.

"And how will we accomplish operation lunar eclipse?" the tamer of flames asked.

"Indeed, how might we go about such a monumental task?" the steely stallion added.

"I have earned much favour from Frude and the rest of the elders. Frederick is also in good position with them. We will use this to creep ever closer to them, watching, waiting. Gathering evidence of their corruption, ignorance and ineptitude as leaders. Meanwhile, little by little we shall gain public favour and drop 'pearls' of discord for the people to 'pick up'. Once doubt and discord has been sown we will present the evidence we have found. The people will surely side with us, then once Frude and the elders are overthrown, the people will be in need of new leaders. We shall be the three kings of Melanina!" the subduer of lightning roared, while shooting a red bolt into the sky, causing a storm to stir.

"Your plan sounds air tight brother, as expected of Jaleel. However, where do I come into the picture? I'm not exactly well liked, especially now..." Jinto asked.

"You will train, brother. You possess incredible might and your emotions ignite your flames with a power seldom could ever hope to reach! Perfect your fire, conquer your mind and carve your body into an unbreakable force of nature! When the people see you with us they will begin to associate you with our noble cause. And if Frude offers up any hostile retaliation the people will see you valiantly defend us! And so, your image in the public eye will be restored. You will be seen an Melanina's guardian... but also, they will fear your power and never cross you again." Jaleel stated.

Dark thunderclouds began to swirl restlessly and aggressive rain profusely burst through the seams of the sky.

"What if Frude manages to gather more than just a few against us? What if we end up facing an entire army who reject our rule?" Frederick asked with worry.

'Pita, pata, pita, pata!' A malevolent silence cast itself, while the wind began to wail. All that could be heard was the vehement precipitation, bombing the Earth. Jaleel began to spark then immediately 'CRACKOOM!' A red bolt of lightning struck down, splitting the air in two!

"If Frude presents an army before us..." Jaleel paused, as a nefarious grin manifested upon his face. "Then, instead of rainwater, the Earth shall be drinking blood for a few days...." the subduer of lightning declared, while the storm backed his sentiments with a heart stopping rumbling....

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