Bely The Truth. Invoke Your Pride

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The trio nattered the night away, immersed in the present; perhaps it is called the 'present' because to enjoy time in it's fleeting moments is a blessed gift. For verily, that which has preceded is lost forever and that which is to come, is never promised. Although, even as the tamer of flames laughed and grinned, to Zinneera, his face looked more akin to the mask of Thalia. The cold ice cream could not cool her suspicions, something was wrong...

"Hey Iliyana, thank you for coming out with us tonight. It's time for you to go home." Jinto announced, as one of his shadow flames took her and blazed off before she could even respond.

"So, you've noticed it too? Sssomeone's following us?" bespoke the viridian vixen.

"Not someone, but something..." the tamer of flames revealed, his voice, rumbling like the growl of dominance a lion makes before engaging the intruder of his territory in a bloody battle.

"Sssome-thing?" she repeated, bewildered. She was certain there was a short man following them. So what was this inhuman presence her beloved spoke of?

'Pita-pata, pita-pata!' Watery whispers fell from the sky, the very moment the two of them stepped outside. With every step they took, the rain intensified, as if the heavens themselves were trying to warn them, screaming 'Go back inside, don't go out there!' An unearthly muttering grew in intensity, invading the ears and shaking the hearts.

"Can you hear that?" Zinneera asked with a worried look.

"Look! There's something there in that cluster of trees." Jinto replied, gently pushing Zinneera back as he edged forwards to the muttering creature veiled in the shadows. Each step, each crunch of the dry leaves under his feet, caused his hair to stand on end. The shrouding trees bowed at the gale of the wind's howl and the moonlight illuminated that which was concealed... That's when he saw it!

A huge, looming, domineering being stood with it's back towards Jinto. It had an intense, primitive and primordial aura that forced all within it's vicinity into submission. It looked both tangible yet metaphysical, adorned in a cropped tribal like robe, the same colour as dark, coagulated blood. Black, gold and silver markings of it's people, proudly garnished the robe which had sable feathers at the cuffs and collar. A long, flowing garment covered it's legs and a conspicuous ruby sat snuggly just below the lower back. It's legs were concealed with tight black trousers and it's feet were bare, except for the dirty cloth wrapped around them from shin height.

Then Jinto noticed. The white, wavy mohawk hair of the entity that danced and flickered like the aurora lights. The very strands looked like strings of light and it's skin was pitch black.

In that moment, it's mindless mutterings ceased and it turned around slowly. "(Gasp) are you..?" Jinto stopped mid sentence, as shock gripped his throat.

He saw it. The undeniable proof. The white, devilish markings of light that meandered around it's charcoal face and body. The piercing white eyes and unearthly presence.

"You're an... ANEIKAS! You look just like..."

"JUST... like Sigma?" it interjected. A portion of it's markings became red with rage as his supernatural voice boomed.

"How did you know I was going to say that?" Jinto uttered with shock.

It's eyes erupted like volcanos, full of fury as it bellowed "I WILL NOT ANSWER THE MURDERER OF MY FATHER!"

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