Distorted Justice, Wicked Sincerity

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"Get back, demon!" Alzalam yelled, at the same time he opened one of his portals right in front of Jinn's trajectory!

"Pitiful, the things you've gone through... just to attain a mere fraction of the power we Melanins possess..." the raging demon uttered as his black flames annihilated Alzalam's portal instantly.

"What!? A fire that burns my portals?" Alzalam exclaimed.

"And how does he know about the experiments we went through!?" Alard shouted

'Kaboom!' Jinn fired a huge blast at E5, sending them all crashing into nearby buildings! However, he held back the power a little. He was curious about his foes and wanted to gauge their true potential.

"(Cough, cough) What are we going to do?" Alard asked.

"We'll fight as one, utilising our abilities and teamwork as a unit! We need to gauge his strength, while at the same time, giving him a false impression of our abilities. He's definitely the type to lower his guard once he thinks we're beneath him. When he does... I want you to unleash your strongest water attack at him Aiesar, he's proud of his black flames, he'll definitely use them to counter, which will cause a huge field of steam. In that moment, I want you to make the ground beneath him cave in and swallow him up, got it Alard? He'll likely jump up to avoid it, when he does I'll use my Qudra and make him appear back in the hole you've created. Then! Finally, you'll deliver the finishing blow  Easifuh. From above the steam, you'll unleash a powerful wind attack and slice that devil in two! Got it!?" Alzalam explained, assertively.

"Yes, captain!" the rest of E5 replied.

"Mhmhmhmhm, what are you fools whispering about over there? Perhaps you're discussing where you'd like to be buried once I'm done with you?" Jinn said mockingly as he slowly approached his prey.

"If all else fails, I'll use 'that'." their brave leader boldly announced.

"No way! I know what you're planning! Doing that would put too much strain on your body, you'd likely die with that beast!" Aiesar protested.

"First that weird snake woman and now him... it appears there's much more to us than merely being the E5 of Casia. I know every single one of you saw what I saw when that Jinto spoke of our alleged past, of our true families being hidden somewhere. Lies do not manifest truth, no matter how smooth the tongue that speaks them. Isn't it in our scripture that falsehood is ever destined to perish? Our enemy spoke the truth, I can feel it. So for our lost families, I will sacrifice myself so that you all will live on and discover our lost truth, reclaim our true family and forge out a new future." Alzalam said solemnly

A spell of silence fell upon the brothers before Alzalam broke the silence saying "It's been an honour, Aiesar, Alard, Easifuh. Let this be our finest hour! Remember the plan, engage him without revealing your true strength. NOW GO!" he roared.

Instantly, the four elites bound by brotherhood hurtled towards their enemy. 'Woosh, bam, pow, whack' they attacked in unison throwing flurries of punches and kicks. But their lone foe, deftly dodged and blocked every attack. Eager to further gauge their potential he started to goad them. "Wow, you guys really are elites... it must take a lot of training to be able to miss a target when there's four of you!" Jinn mocked.

"What!? DO NOT QUESTION MY ABILITY, MELANIN!" Easifuh roared, his pride ignited by such provocations. 'BAM!' in that moment he threw a hefty punch that collided directly into Jinn's cheek, causing his head to jerk violently to the side. The rest of E5 were like statues standing in absolute awe and shock of what they had just witnessed. It was almost too good to be true. The impervious devil, the colossus of might had been staggered!

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