The Tamer of Flames & The Eternal Vampire

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Immediately! Jinto cascaded towards the vampire like an infernal spear of fire! 'SHOOM!' The Blue Gangsta evaded so fast, it was as if he was a mirage!

"Mhmhm, you'll never hit me like that..." the eternal vampire softly uttered in an androgynous tone.

'VM,VM, WHOOSH!' Undeterred, Jinto unleashed a flurry of fiery fists, which the Blue Gangsta dextrously dodged! With every slip and sway, he was... dancing?

"I can no longer smile. Give back my humanity! I can no longer breathe. I guess it was never meant to beee..." the vampire sang, in a brooding world of his own.

"I'll FORCE you to take me seriously! TAYYYAAAH!" the tamer of flames roared! In that moment he swung his fist downwards like a sledgehammer!

"Oh tamer of flames... I guess you're going to disappoint me also..." the Blue Gangsta lamented, as he aloofly slipped the attack. "Ugh! MY FACE!" he suddenly blurted! 'Drip, drip, drip' blood slowly fell from him. A confession that he had finally been hurt! "But HOW!?" he growled in an unearthly deep tone.

"Hmph..." Jinto scoffed arrogantly.

"Tell me..." the vampire snarled.

His demand was met with a flippant glare. 'Kapow!' Infuriated, he punched the air, firing a shockwave that crashed into Jinto like a fierce tsunami wave! A small mushroom cloud kicked up from the impact. The Blue Gangsta stood there, poised. Unsure if his foe had finally fallen...

"Aw man, I have to say Mr Blue Gangsta. I hope you're not going to disappoint me now...?" Jinto sardonically taunted, as the dust cloud dissipated. "I noticed you dodge right at the last possible moment, so I deliberately telegraphed my punch and unleashed my Qudra in the form of a fleeting flame blade the very moment you attempted to dodge." he continued.

"Mmm, you're... sensational...." the eternal vampire gawked, as his fangs extended in excitement.

"I don't need your praise! As if I hardly care for the words of a woman killer!... What did you do to her!? WHAT DID YOU DO TO FAUST'S DAUGHTER!?" the tamer of flames erupted!

Suddenly, the Blue Gangsta's body became stiff and his shoulders strung upwards like a puppet. The weight of his actions had finally hit home? Or perhaps it was...

"How... do you know about Marie?" the Blue Gangsta queried bewilderedly.

"So you even remember her name huh!? I guess it wasn't too long ago that you killed her! Let's see you target a man for once, YOU COWARD!" Jinto roared!

"YOU..! You... you don't know..." the vampire murmured, still stiff as a board.

"What!? What don't I know!? Creep! I know all about how you target lone women at night and suck their blood dry! Imagine their pain!? Their fear!? Being lured into a false sense of security and then preyed upon by an unholy freak like YOU!" Jinto lambasted.

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