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The violent battle between Jinto and the Casian soldiers raged on like an inferno, despite there still being civilians of both Melanin and Casian descent present. Juri had been racing to get to her beloved's aid, after helping to evacuate a number of civilians. That's when she noticed it. Soldiers, all blacked out in their flight suits that had special material sewn between their arms and legs to help them glide in the air. They appeared to be preparing to jump out of one of the helicopters that had arrived previously. She couldn't tell how many men there were but she did notice that one of them had a strange looking shotgun in his hands. The helicopter then, suspiciously began to ascend until barely visible, looking no bigger than a bird in the sky.

"There's the signal! Keep him pinned!" a foot soldier demanded.

"Yes sir!" a group of them replied as bullets pierced the air; they mercilessly rained down upon their target! However, their vain assault proved fruitless against the tamer of flames. Their bullets were to him, like snow to the sun. Although, fatigue was silently creeping upon the Melanin man like an assassin....

His intense battles with  Sigma and the Aneikas had taxed him, his many wounds and blood loss from Sigma's blades had weakened him. And now... constantly igniting his Qudra, constantly fighting battle after battle without pause, was finally beginning to take it's toll on the man. His brilliant flames slowly dimmed and cooled, as Jinto panted heavily. An inevitability was approaching the weakening warrior...

"Oh no, Jinto! I'm here!!" Juri screamed as she charged towards him. Immediately! A blackish purple portal appeared in front of her. "What is this!?" she exclaimed! Unable to stop her momentum in time she ended up running into it and was transported near the entrance of the city.
"What on Earth? I know I was running towards Jinto, then that weird portal appeared and now I'm here!?" the princess muttered to herself, mulling over the strange happenings she just experienced.

'Clap, clap, clap' "Why, how wise and astute you are... princess." Alzalam said while clapping slowly, as he approached her from behind.

"W-who're you!?" the startled princess barked.

"Mmmhahaha aw you really don't remember us princess?" Alzalam replied warmly.

"Should I?" Juri abruptly said back.

"My, my... you weren't learly as feisty as this when you were but a young girl." Alzalam answered.

"A... young girl?" the runaway royal questioned.

"Yes! That's right, we were there in your youth, protecting you!" Alzalam said, with an expression too genial to belong to one of alleged pure hatred towards Melanins.

"We seldom showed ourselves to you, but we were there, protecting you from the shadows." Aiesar added.

"Indeed! Being of such noble status and pure beauty that can only be called the 8th wonder of the world.... You were a target for many bad people!" Alard appended.

"Many assassins tried and failed against the mighty E5! Be they beast or man, we sent them from whence they came! You're like a sister to us... princes Juri." Easifuh said, remembering what happened to Dhukan he wanted to protect Juri at all costs and return her to where she belongs.

"No, even dearer then that. You are like our very own daughter!" Alzalam said, concluding the matter.

"Umm, this all seems so sudden... and strange! Although I do vaguely remember your voices and your faces aren't COMPLETELY unknown to me. But I remember always seeing six of you? Where is the last of your group?" Juri enquired.

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