Moonlit Devotion

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The night outstripped the day and the day outstripped the night, in a constant pursuit of each other like two lovers destined to seek one another until the end of time. Their only respite being a fleeting meeting during a half-light sky. Dusk was their date night until the jealous moon reveals her luminous face, eager to upstage the sun.

A familiar figure found solace in the sanctuary of solitude that is twilight, as he stood atop the mountain where the three pillars of Melanina took their oaths; peering over the horizon. From such a height he could see it, the infamous place where he met the sovereign of light. The tamer of flames inhaled deeply and signed, whilst reminiscing about a time in his life that seemed like a lifetime ago, although it was in reality, quite recent. "Was that wretched Jinn, right all along?" the brooding man pondered, punching the air with a lingering fist.

"Have you heard about the time when the night, met the day? Two destined loversss with a future oh so bright. They would ssseek each other out, ssstuck in an eternal chase. Until finally, it happened. Twilight. And they met... at a fated place." spoke the venomous vixen.

"Zinneera...?" Jinto uttered in surprise, as she slowly approached him from behind, stopping just by his back.

"Yessss it's me, the love of your life." Zinneera teased. "You poor boy, I can feel the weight of your thoughtsss from here. Care to tell me what'sss on your mind?" she continued.

"..." pensive silence was the reply.

"Awww, come on tough guy. We all need a shoulder to cry on every now then then." she pressed, sensually running her finger across his shoulder.

As she tried to look at his face from the side, he promptly turned his head, seemingly unwilling to look at her.

"It feelsss so good to be finally home, although you could sssay I have two. Melanina and the Desh. Have you ever been?" Zinneera asked, trying to get him to talk.

Finally he turned around, gazing into the viridian jewels that were her eyes. Enshrouding them, was a delicate swipe of manganese violet eye shadow. Verily, her beauty was such that even time itself would stop and stare. Her face was like a magic spell, perfectly shaped and bewitching all who would behold it. She had big seductive eyes with mystical viridian irises and black, long, luscious lashes that were like majestic feathers. Her nose was prominent yet petite, with a faultless angle and shape, sloping effortlessly down her face. The soothing siren's lips were plump and soft, shaped in an ever so subtle pout and adorned with pinkish-purple lipstick.

Exotic earrings, shaped like lotus flowers dangled from her ears like royal chandeliers. And a beauty spot on the left side of her mouth, perfected her perfection. Her verdant-black hair was an exquisite site to behold. Two long pigtails on both sides, flowed elegantly down her face like twin waterfalls of silk, reaching halfway down her arms. While the back of her hair whimsically rippled down towards the end of her back and the front had a slick-back fringe on the left side.

Zinneera was tall, nearly as tall as Jinto, boasting an elusive frame; having small feet and aesthetic hands like two majestic swans. Adorning the damsel was a violet kaftan that stopped midway down her thighs. Golden embroidery and a lavish, plum velvet belt finished her look. Whilst her long legs were covered in jet-black leggings with gold embroidery. Finally, her voice was like a lingering, intoxicating lullaby and her aromatic scent was just as sweet and soothing.

"I'm sorry, Zinneera. You caught me at a bad time. I was sort of lost in my thoughts, but seeing you has brightened my mood." Jinto said, as her presence began to repel the dark clouds that loomed above him.

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