Sacrifical Redemption

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(KABOOM!). A huge, blinding white light shone proudly like a prideful peacock, majestically shimmering away as the dust settled. "J-Juri, was that you!?" Jinto questioned in a puzzled tone. "Not me.... I was shielding Tahseen, unless, Tahseen was it you?" the princess asked. However, Tahseen silently shook her head, still trembling from the near death experience. "Wait a minute... white light, could it have been...?"

"Ahahahaha (cough, cough)" a proud chuckle echoed from amongst the rubble. "SIGMA, you're still..." "That's right, human" Sigma's once powerful voice, weakly announced. "But why!? I don't understand... I thought you died!" the bemused Melanin man stated. Jinto's woeful eyes scanned the condition of his rival, his every glance at Sigma's injuries... it was like he was reading a story. A story of a shackled heart that almost had the potential to change.

"The (cough) proud Aneikas leader will die (cough) on his own terms." Sigma uttered, his gaze transfixed on his rival. "Why did you save us!?" Jinto bellowed emotionally, as his shoulders stiffened and he clenched his fists. "Hahaha, the rest of this strange world we're in is coming down, it is literally raining rocks as we speak and you want to ask a dead man questions?" Sigma mildly jested. "JUST TELL ME!" Jinto demanded, while 'what if's' and 'could have's' started to swim around in his mind.

"Jinto... indeed you have won this battle, thus it is you who deserves to live." Sigma said. "What? Is that it!? LIAR! I know there's more to it than that!" Jinto barked. "(Sigh) You really wanna know!? You really wanna break me down!? DO YOU REALLY WANT ME TO SAY IT!?" the Aneikas leader roared! The Melanin champion did not answer but his stern expression spoke more than enough words.

"It's because you was right, Jinto! You was right! It's not easy to let go of it all, to let go of your beliefs, your pride, your way of life! Whenever someone fights it's not just their lives on the line, it's their entire existence, their victory signifying correctness in their ideology, further solidifying their beliefs. Defeat would mean, discarding the world they live in, the person they are... all of it. It would mean accepting that for their whole life they were wrong! What are they supposed to do with their shattered pride!? Just humbly submit to the victor and change their way of life!? I've seen..." Sigma began to cough intensely, with blood splattering everywhere yet he soldiered on.

"I (cough, cough!) I have seen it! I have seen what happens to those who submit. They are used like cattle, enslaved! Then when their usefulness has expired they are disposed of. The Aneikas will never live such a life. For in defeat, their is also survival, survival and preservation of our pride. We did not submit, we fought and died in battle against a worthy foe. But Jinto (cough) never the less you were right." Sigma paused while his eyes began to drift downwards. "S-SIGMA!?" Juri and Jinto shouted.

He perked back up and continued "I, was indeed oppressed by my pride. I wanted to believe in the ideal world you imagined for both our kinds. But you are one, while your enemies are many. And I was afraid to let go, to let go of all that I am, all that I believed about myself, the world and you humans. Perhaps if I had swallowed my pride, we could have achieved something great together. Ahahaha, unfortunately I'll never get to see the outcome. Come (cough, cough) come here human and grant an Aneikas his dying wish." Sigma said, holding out his hand towards Jinto.

"Yes, what it is?" Jinto asked, as he slowly approached Sigma, kneeling down and taking his hand. "I know it won't do much, but I am truly sorry... I am. So please, for the Aneikas, for yourself, I ask you to do me one thing." the proud leader weakly whispered. "Sigma.... What is your request?" Jinto asked, tightening his grip around Sigma's hand. "Survive...." Sigma said, feebly squeezing Jinto's hand back. Juri's eyes began to well up, her Qudra leaking into her tears causing them to faintly sparkle gold as they mournfully fell.

"I will..." Jinto promised as he nodded. "But this place will be ruins in mere moments and the exit was likely destroyed by falling rock like Sigma said. We can't leave here, we're stuck for ever!" Juri cried out worriedly "Not forever." Tahseen suggested meekly. "What do you mean?" Juri probed. "I mean.... I am the Jewel of Tahseen. I am the one who grants users whatever they wish as long as it is within my power, in exchange for a sacrifice..." Tahseen said, which Juri found rather unsettling. "YOU'RE THE JEWEL OF TAHSEEN!? But how!? We were sent on a mission to find it, um I mean you! But you're a girl!?" Juri asked in confusion.

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