Shrouded Sienna & Sable Wolf Eyes

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Jaleel stood atop the highest peak of the Melanina citadel, which housed the wretched elders. His dark purple dashiki surfed the wind, whilst the gold embroidery flirted with the swooning moonlight. "It's evening already, where does the time go? I wonder if Jinto and that girl have found what they're looking for yet?" he murmured to himself.

Under the still of night, he closed his eyes and focused intensely. "Ugh, I still can't do it... I can't warp to a place I can't physically see, except for..." 'KACRACK!' Instantly, he vanished with the crack of lightning and reappeared behind a mysterious woman in an unknown place. "Except for her..." he continued, muttering under his breath.

"(GASP!) JALEEL!" the woman loudly whispered in shock!

"It's still the same... for some reason you're the only one I can warp to, by picturing you in my mind. Everything else, I have to see physically to do so." the prince of lightning commented.

"Aw, so um, uhhh, maybe it's because you and I are..." the woman trialed off, overcome in a storm of blushing and butterflies.

"Hmph, naturally you'd be so taken by my presence." Jaleel replied, cocking his head to the side, causing a bang or two to fall down his forehead.

"Mhmhm, you act so cocky and arrogant, but ummm, I know what you're really like! You're a kind and sweet young man." she giggled.

"And not a single soul shall ever know..." Jaleel jested. "Besides..." he said, taking her face in his hands "You're not as you appear either. Those big, amber puppy eyes, that perpetual pout as if you're about to cry that casts devotion into all who see it. That innocent voice, that can heal or destroy. Nothing is more deadly than that which is irresistible." the prince of lightning continued.

"S-so you think I'm irresistible!?" she shyly shrieked, with her hands on her cheeks. Jaleel scowled at her, although she could see through his coy exterior. "S-so um, how have you been anyways? I've missed you! Oh! And h-have you seen Indigo?" she asked nervously.

"No, I haven't. Sorry." he replied.

"Oh, I see." she whimpered with teary eyes.

A woeful wind whistled through the skies, causing a strand of her umber-red hair to land on Jaleel's shoulder.

"Don't worry, once I'm done with my mission to take reform Melanina and vindicate it from corruption, I'll come to aid you in your plight. The Syndicate, the Dissenters... I'll vanquish them all in a flash of lightning!"

"Do you promise?" the sanguine woman asked like a hopeful child.

"You should know, my lightning never misses." Jaleel reassured.

"Okay... Um... s-so Indigo is looking for someone known as the tamer of flames. A black star. She believes he will end our suffering. But I think it will be you!" she declared with conviction!

"Hmph, don't you worry about him. He's got his plate full, yet that brother of mine is so selfless, he'd drop the weight of the world off of his shoulders in a heartbeat, if it meant he could shoulder your burdens. That's just the kind of man he is..." the prince of lightning elucidated.

"H-HE'S YOUR BROTHER!" the woman exclaimed with shock!

"Hmph, naturally." Jaleel shrugged.

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