Rubellite of Raziyah And The Book of Clarity

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"WHEW! Glad that's over! Looks like I've managed to befriend yet another scary person!" Jinto joked, as he stretched out his arms with a big sigh.

Zinneera couldn't help but smile, the seamless switch between the man who just had a death battle and now this nonchalant jokester that stood before her; it was always a phenomenon to her, most captivating. "Ohhh, but sometimesss I think you to be the ssscariest of them all!" Zinneera teased.

"Me, scary!? Naaaah, that guy was way scarier Zinny! I mean, do I have blades that come out of my wrists? Can I disappear into reflections? And most importantly of all... He was in a forest, all ALONE! Muttering gibberish to himself.... Hey come to think of it, wasn't YOU in the forest alone when we first met? And then you tried to eat me? He eats people too you know, I guess you two are a lot more alike then I thought huh Zinny?" the melanin man jested.

"OH!? The DIFFERENCE between Gamma and I, isss that I WILL actually kill you!" the viridian vixen hissed with a smirk as she playfully reared up at him, bearing her fangs dripping with venom.

"Hmph, as if he could kill me!?" Jinto scoffed.

"Oh? But weren't you only a few momentsss away from having your head hung up on his wall like a hunter's trophy? And wasn't it my venom that weakened him for you?" Zinneera jibed.

"Well..." 'SHM!' Immediately, an awesome aura purged through Jinto's pores, as his body, for the most fleeting of seconds, became as intangible as flame itself.

"What did you just do?" Zinneera asked in amazement.

"Usually, when I appear from the fire that I shoot, I'm still tangible, (pant) if anyone actually tried they could still touch and therefore attack me. But, (pant) what you saw just now, was me becoming completely intangible like fire itself. Gamma's blade (pant) would've passed right through me the very moment he would've tried slicing at my neck. Though I can only do it for 0.5 seconds for now and it's very draining. It (pant) feels like running, while holding your breath!" the tamer of flames revealed, as he caught his breath.

"Assstounding!" the green gal praised.

"AND! Although he was weakened, I too, was holding back! This isn't even my TRUE power!" he boasted.

"Not even your true power? Isss that going to be your new catchphrase?" she replied sardonically.

"Hmph, there's a powerful warrior with spiky hair that turns gold. He's from a comic I read once and he always says 'this isn't even my true power!' Haha." Jinto explained.

"How very mature you are.." Zinneera giggled.

"Sorry for not being boring! ANYWAYS. I can imagine how he must've felt, regardless of the truth. I don't blame Gamma for being so difficult and prideful. Nevertheless, you really need to work on your stalking skills... because..." Jinto paused, placing his face close to hers. "I'm a lot stronger than you think..." he continued.

"Sssame here... darling." Zinneera said slowly, whilst pushing against his forehead with hers.

'Woosh' unexpectedly, Jinto pulled back, causing Zinneera to stumble forwards, nearly falling flat on her face.

"Hehehehehehe! What's that, some kind of new dance!?" Jinto mocked, before playfully running away.

"YOU!" she hissed, as she chased after him.

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