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"JINTOOO!" Juri screamed hysterically, staring in complete shock at what had just happened. She'd never seen anything so supernatural, so... bizarre! Without a second to spare, she immediately  jumped through the ominous mirror portal! "Hey, what was that!? Are you two alri..." Kane's sentence was cut short by a startlingly empty room and eerie glowing mirror. Alas, regret and sorrow gripped him firmly, if sadness was an ocean then his heart was a capsized ship. "Ohhhhh..... how could I have let those two tackle such a dangerous task? Now... they're gone too. What will the people say? This is all my fault." the old man said, as he slumped to the floor with his hands over his face, far too overtaken to fully notice the mirror's glow.

Meanwhile Juri had appeared in a strange dimension and to her surprise, there he stood, Unharmed. "Jinto! You're ok!? What happened to that weird faker that pulled you in?" she asked, happy to see her cherished one unharmed. "Hmph, he suddenly vanished as soon as I tried to attack him... but more importantly where even are we?" he replied as the two scanned their surroundings.

Melodic water droplets could be heard falling in the distance in a hypnotic symphony. The entire area was covered in light blue crystals and reflective glass, making the duo feel like they were being watched. Indeed they were in a strange land, for the crystal ceiling had streams of pristine waters flowing. There was also strange 'glitter' that was falling from the stream, these small shimmering particles were actually small creatures that constantly whispered incoherently.

"I think we're inside the mirror somehow. Either way this is definitely where Kane's wife and Tahseen are, there's no other explanation. They must've been pulled in the same way you were." Juri replied. "Yes, you're right but..." the Melanin man stopped and stared intensely into the distance. "What is it?" the princess asked. "When I attacked my reflection, even though it disappeared it didn't die. I know it's hiding somewhere. Also... look around you, can you see it?" Jinto said in a serious tone as the two entered a tunnel.

"Oh my god!" Juri exclaimed with her hands over her mouth. The whole tunnel was covered in mirrors. Their reflections were at every angle, side on, upside down and even beneath them. Every time they looked away from one of their reflections it would cease mirroring their movement and slowly encroach upon the two, with a devilish contorted grin and deformed facial features. But should they once more cast their glance at said reflection, it would instantly revert back to normal.

"This is beyond bizarre, we can't watch every reflection one of them will get us! We need to get out of here now!" the personification of fire said as his body ignited in brilliant flames. "Right!" Juri, of the golden Qudra said in agreement as the two raced to the end of the tunnel in a bid to escape the unreal threat before them.

"I don't believe it! Look, the reflections are just as fast as us, do they have our powers too!?" Jinto said in pure astonishment. "At this rate I don't know if Qudra will be enough to be them..." Juri added. "The exit is just up ahead, we'll take them on in an open space." the young warrior said. His beloved nodded in agreement as the two exited the tunnel. However there was something else on Jinto's mind. "She barely used her Qudra to keep up with me in that tunnel... it was mostly her. How did she become so strong?" he wondered to himself.

The two stood back to back as the malevolent reflections surrounded them. Their eyes had turned black and their teeth elongated as they lunged at Jinto. (Shoom! Kapow!) instantly the fierce fire user unleashed a mighty fire blast, which appeared to take out three of the twelve reflections. "It's just as I thought..." Jinto announced. The three scorched foes were like intangible phantoms, no permanent damage had been done they merely reappeared.

The rest of the enemies regrouped then once more, pounced only at Jinto. "What's going on? Why are they only targeting him?" Juri uttered to herself, while Jinto was locked in fierce combat! However, the princess was done thinking as a familiar golden light covered her. "Waaaaaaaghhh!" (Sizzle, sizzle) all of the evil reflections let out a blood curdling scream as they began to sizzle and bubble like boiling oil! "Juri, it's the golden light from your Qudra! Keep going!" Jinto shouted encouragingly.

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