1. Reunited

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Katsuki had been notified in his office less then fifteen minutes ago about the capture and arrival of someone he's been waiting to see for a long time, a very long time.

Someone who was once the closest person in existence to him, who knew everything about him, who seemed to even be able to read his thoughts without a single word said, one whom he made the hardest decision of his life to leave behind for the safety of the other.

The tall handsome blonde stands glancing down at the expensive gold watch on his wrist.

He sighs, taking an almost nervous deep breath while glancing out the window of his large office at the perfectly manicured lawn of what could only be described as a small mansion, one he acquired only a week ago when he moved back near the city he had grown up in.

Crimson eyes wander over the expansive yard as his mind wanders back to a time when things were both easier and much harder.

Katsuki had grown up mostly on the streets of NYC, raised by parents who had an extremely hard, almost impossible keeping their rebellious, strong willed, stubborn son in line.

Katsuki seemed to love the edge of the streets, getting into trouble at every turn, gang fights, illegal games, stealing, car theft from time to time.

By the time the blonde had reached his mid to late teens he had gained a name for being one of the toughest guys on the street and had caught the eye of a mafia leader who wanted to recruit the bad ass, no fear blonde as a member, offering him a large sum of money to do so.

It was an offer at the time the blonde couldn't refuse, he didn't want to, it appealed to him, power, money, being feared, so he excepted, but there was one thing he hadn't taken into account, one thing that if he had known back then would have made him tell that mafia leader to fuck off and do it now.

During all his times running those streets like a rapid mad dog there was one who was always right by his side, one always chasing his back, one who had always thought Katsuki was everything before anyone else ever knew he existed.

Izuku, Izuku Midoriya who had been Katsuki's childhood bestfriend since they were brats.

Izuku had always been smaller than the rowdy blonde, he was timid, soft spoken and shy.

He had gotten picked on when they were little something that Katsuki never stood for and then into their teens it had continued at times due to Izuku being smart and on the nerdish side, again it was something Katsuki never allowed, often flying into a flurry of punches and all out assaults on whoever dare even look at Izuku the wrong way.

Katsuki was his protector, his ferice firey shield who no one dare cross because if you did you may or may not survive his wrath.

Deku had become inseparable from the blonde, his life at home hadn't been easy since his father left leaving his mother to work almost nonstop. He was often anxious and nervous when left alone in their apartment in a not so good side of town.

Katsuki had never minded the smaller male stuck to his side like a shadow, never ever complained when Izuku would call him scared, or hurt no matter what time of the day or night it was.

The blonde had been known for not letting anyone near him, hating anyone who tried to follow in his steps, never wanting another soul to get close or know who he really was, but Izuku, Deku, had always been the exception.

He smiles at the nickname in his mind. Deku. He had given it to him in the days of playground play at the little greenett who at the time never seemed to be able to get things right without the help of a loud blonde boy.

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