11. So Familiar

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It's the next morning when the greenett is making his way down now fairly familiar stairs in search of crimson eyes.

He's just woken up after a long night of watching movies, playing a few video games, laughing and joking into the night well past the midnight hour.

He and the blonde had ventured into a large media room Katsuki has, fully equipped with a large flat screen TV that takes up most the wall, an oversized couch and any and every gaming system you could think of.

They made popcorn and snacks, talked and laughed, smack talked each other over video games, curled close while they watched movies both new and old. There was stolen kisses and heated glances much like when they were teenagers.

No one would be able to believe Katsuki was one of the most powerful mob leaders out there if they could have seen him last night acting like a kid again, ever cocky yelling anytime he won a game over the greenett making Izuku roll his eyes with a smile next to him.

Those were all sides hidden from the world, sides only green eyes had the pleasure to see.

The greenett smiles to himself with the thought. Things were going well, they were reconnecting, rebuilding what Izuku had assumed might be lost forever.

Funny how some one can be away for so long then come back into your life and suddenly the pieces that you thought were all shattered to dust begin to fall back into place like no time had past.

Green eyes spot his target as soon as he rounds the corner to the kitchen.

The blonde is standing at the stove with his Bluetooth in talking on the phone while he expertly flips an omelet in the pan without even trying.

Izuku rolls his eyes with a smile knowing Katsuki will always be able to make everything look so damn effortless and if he didn't love the jerk so much that would be so annoying.

The greenett catches the blondes eye suddenly as he turns and meets his gaze with a smirk and a wink.

Izuku tints with blush at the male who can still fluster him with ease.

He sits at the large breakfast counter where there is a place sat for him to eat being quiet so he doesn't disturb whatever call the blonde is on.

Katsuki turns to him handing him a glass of orange juice as leans over the large black granite counter giving him a quick kiss still listening to whatever conversation was taking place on the other end.

Izuku watches as the blonde continues to cook at the stove.

As he sits there with his chin resting on his palm and a far off almost dreaming look in emerald eyes, he takes in the blondes form.

Katsuki is dressed already like he normally is. He's in deep burgundy dress pants today. That fit perfectly, tailored to all the right spots in all the right ways. He has a black buttoned down dress shirt fitting his broad shoulders well, so well Izuku can see his musical move under the fabric. His sleeves are rolled up showing powerful forearms that hold a few black ink tattoos.

Emerald eyes shift to blonde spikes that are styled to perfection. He thinks about how soft they actually are even tho they might give off a different impression.

And then there's those eyes, those drop dead gorgeous, deep piercing crimson eyes. Those eyes that melt and burn all at once, those eyes, those sexy, burning eyes that are looking at him right now with an all knowing cocky smirk and a raised brow.

Izuku had been so caught up in his own drifting thoughts that he didn't even realize Katsuki had turned around with his breakfast plate seeing the wandering emerald eyes of a swat cop.

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