26. Twenty-four Hours

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Twenty-four hours.

One thousand four hundred, forty-four minutes.

Eighty-six thousand, four hundred goddamn seconds.

The past twenty-four hours have felt like twenty-four fucking years Katsuki thinks as he looks over at Izuku still lying sedated in his hospital bed.

He's been awake every minute of those hours. Keeping a constant visual, making sure to watch every move the hospital staff made, even having Denki go out and purchase new blankets and pillows because he didn't think the ones covering his boyfriend were warm or soft enough.

Izuku's condition hasn't changed, but at least it hasn't gotten worse. Doctors still feel it's best to keep him under sedation so his body has time to heal without anymore stress than necessary. And although it's killing Katsuki not to see those green eyes, he understands and only wants whatever it takes for his nerd to recover fully, so he'll wait. He'll wait right here in this room as long as it fucking takes.

He sighs leaning back in the hospital chair that he's hardly moved from. Tired eyes beg for sleep that he refuses to let come until those green eyes across from him are open and awake.

The blonde removes a pair of wired framed glasses, ones he only ever uses when his eyes are strained and tired. He leans his head back closing his eyes for a few minutes. A small smirk moves it's way to his mouth while his mind recalls the way Izuku had always loved to see him in glasses when they were teenagers. Katsuki had never cared for the things himself but while they read or worked on homework he would put them on with pretend annoyance because he knew that nerd thought he was hot in them. A hunch that was backed up with proof everytime he'd watch a love-struck look in emerald eyes that would be staring at him more than the text books in front of them.

Tired eyes open slowly as he smiles at the thought tuning his head so he can see the greenett in bed.

He sighs.

" I miss those damn eyes Deku. Wake up and call me a jerk. Stutter out that you hate me even though I know you're lying. Come on nerd, you know I have no patience, then again you did always know how to test my patience didn't you? Always pushing my fucking buttons and driving me crazy in all the best and worst ways. That's part of what we do you and I, push each other to the edge but and then pull the other back before we fall completely off. I need that. I need you. I just got you back."

The tray in front of him that holds his laptop and phones gets pushed away as he stands up feeling his fatigue pull heavy at him while he takes a few steps to the greenett's bed fixing a green tuff of hair. He leans down and kisses his forehead, something he's done more times than he can count in the time he's been here. He fixes the soft expensive blankets he had purchased, making sure to keep his nerd warm, knowing how Izuku had always hated the cold.

There's a heavy sigh once again at the silence in the room that he hates. A crimson gaze shifts to the beeping heart monitor. He scowls at the only thing making any damn noise and if it wasn't the only thing letting him know that his perfect nerd was still beating with a heart that belongs to him he'd smash the damn thing into a million pieces because the sound feels almost maddening to an already crazy mind.

Large hands are slid into the black joggers he's wearing as he walks to the hospital window looking outside for a moment before he sits on the window ledge and looks around the room that has become his own as much as his boyfriend's.

There's flowers, many of them. All ones he knew Izuku secretly liked. Like daisy's dyed in a vast variety of bright colors. There's white lilies because the greenett had always liked the smell. Red tulips because once when they were kids Izuku pointed to them in a book that showed a field full of them in Holland. Green eyes beamed telling Katsuki how much he would like to see it in person and if this nerd wakes the fuck up soon he'll book the damn tickets tonight.

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