22. Heated Visit

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* Smut here*

A handsome blonde mob leader sits at his large cherry wood desk.

Eyes down on the paperwork in front of him desk phone to his ear.

There's an angry scowl on his face, his jawline is tense crimson eyes cold as he listens to the owner of a car dealership who owes him money ramble on about how he doesn't have it yet.

Same ol' shit different day he thinks and it's the sixth call like this this morning.

To say Katsuki is having a bad morning is an understatement.

He's been up since 6 am. Had a business meeting with his henchman who informed him of several deals gone wrong and people who just never seem to understand that you don't make a deal with the mob unless you can pay up.

He's looked over contracts of business who are supposed to cut him checks but haven't.

Not to mention the events from a few nights ago with Daluka are still fresh in his mind and he's still furious over the whole ordeal.

Anytime he thinks about that scum putting his hands on what belongs to him and flirting with the swat cop, his swat cop it makes the vein in his neck pulsate with anger.

Even now as he hardly listens to the same fucking excuses he hears on an almost daily basis his mind travels to that prick who disrespected him in a restaurant full of mob associates by trying to score with his date. Not just his date, his boyfriend, his love, the very fire in his goddamn veins, his Deku.

He hardly realizes he just snapped the pen in half he was holding while listening to this rambling idiot on the phone.

He takes a ragged deep breath trying to calm himself while he pinches the bridge of his nose.

He clears his throat with a growl finally.

" Oi, listen real close you fuck. On a good day I'm in no mood for this shit, today isn't a good day so I'm even less in the mood for this kind of shit. You have a contract with me, I loaned you the money to expand that crap garage you have so that you could accommodate my guys when they have to transport stolen shit through there. You still owe me eight grand because I stopped using that fucking hole in the wall but I haven't forgotten the money you owe me. I made a promise to someone close to me that I wouldn't go out of my way to step in and make face to face visits with you scums so I'm going to keep that promise, but make no fucking mistake, I will definitely send someone in my place so either way your shit existence is in danger if you don't pay the fuck up in four days.", he breathes out before slamming the phone down.

He slams himself back in his leather bond black chair rubbing his temples at the stress he already feels.

The blonde takes a drink of the amber liquid in the crystal glass on his desk. Yeah sure it's only 10:30 am but it's gotta be after 5 somewhere he thinks as he lets the bourbon work it's way down his throat with a pleasant burn.

Crimson eyes shift to the picture on his desk, one of a greenett that he hasn't seen in two days because Izuku had been so busy and working a steak-out overnights.

That's another reason Katsuki is on edge, one because he hasn't seen that nerd and maybe just maybe he feels like he's going through some kind of fucking withdrawal. Plus he's worried about the kind of work Izuku does.

Yes he knows he's a trained officer and doesn't need him as much as he used to in the protection area but to him Izuku will always be the smaller sheepish nerd hiding in his shadow.

His phone suddenly rings again pulling out of his thoughts. He scowls at the thing but answers.

" What?"

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