8. Promises

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Green eyes slowly open. He blinks dark black lashes trying to adjust to the morning light in the room.

As Izuku lays there and stretches sleep from his muscles with a still groggy sleep mind he almost forgot where he was, almost forgot that he was in a large bedroom across the hall from his childhood love now mob boss.

He shakes his head slightly thinking about how crazy it is that the swat cop is staying with the head of the mafia, it would almost be funny if it was completely insane. He could definitely lose his job for this if anyone found out and even his life possibly if other mob associates who aren't particularly close to Katsuki find out.

The mafia isn't a fan of cops for obvious reasons and anyone who might have a grudge against the blonde could use Izuku against him and knowing Katsuki the way he knows him he most definitely has enemies, probably several.

But he knows that crazy blonde across the hall will protect him at all cost, he always has and even if Izuku doesn't need the kind of protection he did when they were kids part of him even if he hates to admit it will always rely on that.

As the greenett stumbles still slightly sleepy to brush his teeth and wash his face he hears the door to his bedroom open.

He raises a brow but sticks his head out of the bathroom to see who it is with the toothbrush still in his mouth.

He's met with crimson eyes and a smirk seeing Katsuki cross the room already dressed in black tailored dress pants and s white buttoned down shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows a sliver Rolex watch on his wrist, blonde spikes done with perfection like always.

That brow Izuku had raised rose a little higher because Katsuki Bakugo will always be the most gorgeous man on this earth to him and he knows it, even if it irritates the life outta him.

" Morning Nerd. I didn't think you'd even be out of bed yet. You were always so fucking horrible about getting up in the morning", the blonde grins leaning against the bathroom door frame watching Izuku spit out his toothpaste and roll his eyes.

" Well I have grown up a little Kacchan"

Katsuki grins.

" Have you? Still have that All Might plush I gave you?"

Izuku looks into teasing crimson eyes as he crosses his arms over his chest.

" N-no"

Katsuki's grin grows.

" You have always stuttered when you lie"

Fair cheeks puff.

" I'm not lying! And even if I did still have it, which I'm not saying I do, but if I did that would only be because it's a collectable item and he's my favorite actor, so if I did that would be the only reason"

Katsuki chuckles with a smirk.

" Uh huh. Still sleep with it huh?

" W-what ?! No!"

The blonde breaks into a loud laugh.

" You are such a shit liar Deku, anyway come downstairs I made you breakfast"

Izuku eyes him.

" Maybe I don't want to. I'm not sure why I even agreed to stay if all you're going to do is pick on me, maybe I'll just go home", he mumbles.

The blonde closes the small distance one hand in his pocket the other one reaching up to push a stray lock into place.

" I think you and I both know you don't want to go anymore than I want you to, and I'm not picking on you Shitty Deku, I'm teasing you, and if I remember correctly you use to like when I teased you in all kinds of ways"

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