12. The Storm

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* Smut here *

Lightening lights up a large spare room as a loud crash of thunder follows it.

This kind of summer storm would more than likely keep anyone awake that would also be true for a emerald eyed swat cop if he hadn't already been laying tossing and turning in his bed before the storm had even started.

His mind shifts to the days events as he thinks about the time he and Katsuki had spent together in the pool.

It makes warm skin feel even warmer thinking about the blonde striped down to nothing but his black boxer briefs and the make out session against the side of the pool in warm water.

The two had stayed playful for the rest of the day even at dinner but now Izuku lays alone in the large guest bed thinking about blonde spikes and crimson eyes across the hall.

Even tho he and Katsuki had been getting closer Izuku had decided to keep sleeping in the quest room for now, but as he lays here with his eyes on the ceiling listening to the storm outside he's beginning to wonder why.

Across the hall a mob leader is also wide awake.

The blonde lays on top of his black covers in a pair of deep green satin drawstring pajama pants, matching pajama shirt of the same color left unbuttoned and opened.

His fingers are laced behind his head but his eyes are on the large window watching the rain hammer hard against it.

His mind travels back to a night years ago when he was 19, and had come to Izuku's apartment that he had shared with his mother at the time.

She wasn't home that night and the blonde had come to keep watch over his then skittish boyfriend.

It had been raining, storming much like tonight and as the greenett had curled into Katsuki's arms for protection something inside crimson and emerald eyes caught flame of desire as soft touches and teasing words lead to a lustful night for both, everything changed that night for the better and the bond they held only grew with the intimate experience they had shared that night and a few nights after that before Katsuki had to leave the male he loved behind for his own protection.

He sighs heavily as he lays there. He thinks of that night any time it rains, how could he not?

His eyes shift to the door knowing that nerd is only a few steps away. His heart aches against his chest because yes he's getting Izuku back but he longs to have him in his bed with him instead of across the hall in an empty guest room, but he said he wouldn't push the issue until he was ready and he won't even if it's driving him fucking crazy.

He sighs deeply, heavily the sound coming out more like a frustrating growl as he gets up and moves to his desk pouring himself a drink into a crystal whiskey glass.

He swirls the amber liquid in the cup as he sits on the corner of his desk looking out at the heavy rain fall.

He takes along slow drink from the glass letting the warm liquor burn his throat as it goes down.

But suddenly his attention snaps to his door seeing it slowly open.

He furrows his brow unable to see who is on the other side of the large wooden door until he finally sees a sheepish looking swat cop step inside in low cut black sweats and a fitted white tshirt that's hugging all the right spots dangerously well.

Katsuki feels an ache of both love and desire at the sight.

He stays planted on his desk as soon as emerald eyes meet his.

" Deku? You ok?"

He sees the greenett nod as he slowly moves twards him.

" Yes, I'm ok.. I.. I just...."

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