15. Nothing Good Happens After Midnight

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A black car pulls up to a large warehouse.

Crimson eyes glance at a text he had received with an address attached.

His eyes travel back to the warehouse. This was definitely the place.

He takes in the building for a minute, he knows who owns it, he knows who owns it very well.

Lotoma, someone that he once knew on the streets when they were growing up, someone who had always hated Katsuki and had been jealous over everything he did and everything he had, including Deku.

Lotoma had been in a small gang back then, jacking cars, selling weed, stealing.

He had gotten into a few street fights with Katsuki back then, ones he could never win, ones he had never even come close to winning.

The male had had his eye on Izuku too, always flirting trying to get in his space only to be shot down every time by green eyes who only ever looked in one direction.

All of this only added to the hate he had felt for Katsuki and as time went on and the blonde had finally left the streets Lotoma knew that there was one way to hurt the blonde, one thing only, one deep weakness, Izuku Midoriya, so on a dark summer night in an alley he finally took his revenge out on the greenett and his mom.

Lotoma had thought this would bring Katsuki back from wherever he had gone, but when days turned into weeks and weeks tuned into years he assumed the blonde had abandoned Izuku and didn't care what happened to him, he had guessed they had broken up.

Oh how wrong he was.

Katsuki always collects on a debt, he always protects his interests and investments and Deku is the biggest one he has.

He steps from a black car, opening his trunk to retrieve another gun and slid it into a holster he has tightly around his thigh.

He adds two more bullet clips to his jacket pocket and moves like a black cat through the night to the door of a large warehouse.

Lotoma has moved up in the criminal word, something the blonde had also known.

This warehouse holds stolen goods, guns and drugs and without a doubt more than one thug sworn to protect it.

Katsuki could have had his guys take care of this, could have had them at least come with him, but no because this was personal, and he knows he won't rest until he does this himself.

Crimson eyes look up to the roof before he reaches the door seeing cameras, he lifts the gun in his hand that has a silencer attached and without a sound shoots each lens out.

He shifts his sights to the door seeing several locks.

He scoffs with a grin as he removes a lock picking kit and goes to work popping each one with ease just like he had taught Izuku to do years ago.

He slides quick and quietly through the side door making his way through a mostly darken warehouse.

The blonde hears voices in the distance where he spots two thugs laughing and fucking off not paying attention to the demon holding the gun.

The sound of boots hitting the floor snap them suddenly to attention but it's too late.

Before any words can be spoken or guns drawn the mob leader already put bullets in each one.

He moves on, crimson eyes cold and dark as he searches for the target he came for.

Suddenly he sees it.

Lotoma has his head down standing over a small metal podium looking over a clipboard.

He's lost in what he's doing to the point that he never hears Katsuki come up behind him and put him in a choke hold.

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