13. Game

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Hot water makes it's way over a toned lean body as Izuku stands under the powerful water jets of the shower letting the hot cascade loosen sleep tight muscles.

There's marks that litter his body, evidence of the pervious nights activities that he and Katsuki shared once again.

A smile curves onto his lips while the water runs down over wet forest green locks, eyes closed while a mind thinks back to night he knows he'll never forget, one new but familiar in all the right ways.

The bathroom door suddenly opens, a handsome blonde mob leader making his way inside through a heavily steamed up room.

Katsuki begins to roll the sleeves up on his dark green tailored dress shirt as he speaks.

" Oi Deku, I have a few meetings this morning, so I'll be down in my office if you need me. Shit shouldn't take long then we can spend the rest of the day together."

The greenett behind the fogged up glass of the shower door opens it enough to pop a soaked mop of green out to meet the crimson eyes of his again boyfriend.

" Ok. And don't you knock?", the greenett says with a smile and an eye roll

Katsuki smirks leaning back against the dark marble counter top of his bathroom with his arms crossed across a built chest.

" Why ? You got something I didn't see last night nerd? Or six years ago?"

Izuku laughs throwing a wet wash cloth out at his boyfriend that Katsuki dodges with a chuckle.

" Shut up and go to your meeting."

Katsuki grins handing the greenett a soft white towel as he heads out the door, but before he does he turns to face his boyfriend once again.

" Oi, don't cover those marks when you get dressed, always liked the way I looked on you", he says simply before closing the door with a half smile.

Izuku can't help the butterflies that have always existed when it came to Katsuki and only Katsuki.

He smiles to himself with a slight head shake while he gets out toweling off before getting ready for the day.

Downstairs not long later a gorgeous blonde mob leader is sitting in his large black leather bound chair, bored with this meeting and the extras in it already.

Crimson eyes gaze out the window while he taps large fingers on the arm of his chair, mind wandering to what is exciting to him these days and that's a nerd upstairs.

There's one of his associates giving a report who owes what and where. The blonde is barely listening.

This is part of his job, this is what he does, make deals, make money. Give loans, organize stolen goods to resell, ect.

There's times he has to go after those who don't pay up, don't follow in line, don't keep mouths shut.

There's shake downs, and beatings, threatening and at times down right murder.

It's all part of the game, a game Katsuki is growing tired of.

He sighs, thoughts drifting as the voice of his associate Kei speaks up.

" Mr Bakugo? You listening?"

Crimson eyes turn in that direction, the blonde leaning back in his chair with a raised blonde brow.

" I'm always listening, and I'm well aware of what's going on."

The blonde leans up suddenly, built arms resting on his desk as he readjust the gold Rolex on his wrist, crimson eyes holding a serious glare while he focuses on the male across from him as he speaks.

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