10. Only One

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Izuku is busy in the room he will call his own for the next few days that he will be here with Katsuki.

He and the blonde had returned to the large home not long ago after retrieving some things from the greenett's apartment.

He's busy putting some clothes away in the drawers while his mind wanders a bit from his task.

He has successfully avoided giving the blonde bomb the names he had wanted, so far anyways. Of course Izuku knows the names, but giving them over to Katsuki spells nothing but trouble and he knows this.

But he also knows a few other things.

One, he knows Katsuki has contacts all over the city and it's probably only a matter of time before he reaches out to the right one and gets the information he's after.

Two, he knows that once that information is obtained the blonde mob leader will no doubt seek revenge for what happened to him and his mother and that will probably definitely mean a path of death and destruction.

And three, he knows that even if Katsuki doesn't seek or get the names off the street, he will without doubt, eventually get the information out of him, because as much as he might hate to admit it, Katsuki Bakugo will always be the only man who can get anything he wants from Izuku. He'll eventually break under those crimson eyes that know exactly how to bend and shift him, giving whatever is being asked of him, it's always been that way and he imagines it will always be that way. As much that has changed for Izuku in the past six years, so much remains the same, especially when it comes to blonde hair and crimson eyes.

He scrunches his face in thought, a worried line between his brow because when Katsuki dose find out it won't be pretty, or easy or not violent. He'll always worry about that blonde bomb and what might happen to him along the way, so for now as long as he can he will do his best to keep those names in the dark even if it doesn't last long.

Little does Izuku know downstairs in a blonde mafia boss's office Katsuki is placing several phone calls as he paces the room with anger surging.

He wants a name, he wants just part of a god damn name, either way he will get what he's after, he'll scower this whole city until he finds it, shake down, threaten, kill whoever he needs to get those names and when he does, death will surely come, it's only a matter of time before the devil comes knocking looking down the barrel of a gun with deadly crimson eyes.

" Bakugo, that was almost six years ago you said? Might be hard to find the guys now, if they're even alive still", his contact speaks on the phone

The blonde stares out over the large yard while he listens a deepening scowl on his features.

" I don't give a shit how long it's been, someone knows something. And if they aren't dead they fucking will be, now stop giving me shit excuses and get to work", the blonde snaps as he hangs up the phone just as the door opens to reveal his three henchmen.

" You wanted to see us boss?" , the redhead ask as they step into the room.

Katsuki nods, hands in his pockets eyes still outside.

" Yeah, I want you guys to find some information for me about a mugging that took place about five and a half years ago."

Sero raises a brow.

" That long ago?"

" Yes, the little bitches would have gone after a guy and his mother, shook them down, roughed her up and knocked him out taking everything on them. I want those fuckers found"

The three exchange looks.

" Ok, but boss that's not a whole lot to go on, I mean there's probably a ton of muggings that fit that description.", Kiri questions.

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