2. Bitter Disbelief

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Izuku's breath catches in his chest so hard it physically hurts for a moment, as he takes in a sight he's having a rough time believing is even real right now.

Six years, six long years it's been since the greenett bond to the chair by his own cuffs has been able to look into the crimson eyes that still flood his mind daily. Six long years since Katsuki left him heartbroken on a cold city street, six years that he wondered every day where and what the blonde was doing, six years since he had given up hope that his childhood love would actually keep his promise.

And now six years later Izuku Midoriya is shocked into absolutely silence as a rush of raw pain and emotion overtake his senses.

Katsuki seems to be swept up in his own inner turmoil as he takes in hurt green eyes once again.

Crimson eyes trail over the male he's waited to see since the day he left him.

The greenett was still in his police gear that he had been swept right off the street in.

Izuku definitely isn't the scrawny eighteen year old kid he left behind, no this Izuku had filled in tremendously. He was lean and and fit, his arms not overly muscular like Katsuki's but it was definitely evident he worked out.

Those arms were also covered with several tattoos and Katsuki won't deny for a fucking second that he likes it and likes it alot, especially since Katsuki himself has many.

His hair is still the most attractive shade of forest green and black highlights he's ever seen now cut into an undercut and even tho those wavy locks are messy and tasseled from the ordeal and the sack that was over his head, Katsuki just knows it's still one of the sexiest things he's seen.

Those haunting eyes, even as they stare brimming with shock and hurt are a gorgeous shade of emerald jade that the blonde knows only exsit for only one person.

His skin still fair dotted with freckles that the blonde is having a hard time fighting the urge to touch again, like he did when they were kids, like he did when they turned into boyfriends, like he aches to do right now.

But one thing that Katsuki does not like on that perfect face is the evidence that one of the idiots outside this room had gotten rough with the greenett and have given him a black eye and busted lip. Something someone is going to pay for the minute he steps out that God damn door.

The black tshirt that Izuku has on is rising and falling rapidly with each ragged breath he's taking as Katsuki steps a bit closer reaching down for Izuku's chin so he can inspect that injury better.

But when he does the greenett recoils back like he's been bit by a snake as a single tear rolls down a brusied cheek.

Nothing has been able to hurt Katsuki in a very long time, but that action right there is causing ache to cut so deep its visible on his features.

There was a time when Izuku longed for the blondes touch, would melt into it any time Katsuki's larger hands ever landed on his skin, but now the greenett in his sights looks as though his touch makes his skin crawl, and hell maybe he deserves it for the way he left and the length of time he's been gone, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

He pushes past his hurt feelings and now glaring emerald jade eyes as he pulls the greenett's chin up anyway.

" Who hurt you?", he ask calmly trying to ignore the ache in his heart from the angry eyes.

" You mean besides you?"

The tone is bitter, the words like venom and the blonde isn't surprised, not even a little.

Katsuki nods.

" Yeah, besides me. Which shit hurt you?"

The greenett glares with a scoff.

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