32. Unraveling

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Daluka's breathing is unsteady, his heart beating at a pace that might kill him before the blonde devil behind him. His mind is scrambling so he makes a move while he's still locked in a strong choke-hold for a knife he has strapped to his thigh that Katsuki couldn't see in the darkened room.
He draws it back quicker than Katsuki can respond and plunges the blade into the blondes thigh making him hiss in pain.

" Ahh fuck!"

While Katsuki grips the knife that's still deep in his thigh Daluka throws a sucker-punch slamming his fist into the blondes mouth causing it to bust open on contact. He goes to make a run for the door but he isn't fast enough, before he makes it there's the sound of a cocked glock and a shot fired that hits him right in the shoulder dropping him to his knees whimpering in pain.

" Damn you!", Daluka hisses

Katsuki was angry before, this little stunt was just adding fuel to his fire. He's across the room running on pure adrenaline hardly even aware of the blade still lodged in his leg until he pulls it from his own thigh and jams it into Daluka's the minute he reaches him.

" Think you can get away from me huh?! Think you can put a hit on my boyfriend, almost have him killed and then get away from me?! Fuck you! This physical pain you just tried to inflicted on me is nothing compared the hatred I feel for you you stupid bastard. There is no place in this world you could hide from me. I'd flip this city and any another other upside down to find you!", the blonde growls as he drags Daluka to his feet then slams him down in a kitchen like chair in the room cuffing him to it.

Daluka doesn't try to struggle, he knows he can't between the shot to his shoulder and the blade now lodged in his leg. As soon as he lifts his head up to look at the blonde he's met with a heavy black gloved fist to the face busting his lip on contact. Before he can even spit the blood from his mouth there's another punch to his jawline drawing a sharp inhale from the male who was already in pain.

" Damn you.. you bastard! Just.. just kill me already!"

Katsuki chuckles as he spits a mouth full of blood out from the sucker-punch he had received earlier while he reaches into a black duffel bag he brought with him. He pulls a bottle of whisky from it taking a long drink even tho it stings his busted lip. He swishes the amber liquid inside his mouth before spitting it out to clear the taste of the copper of his own blood.

Daluka watches in pain, heart pounding unsure what the blonde crazy man will do next.

The blonde glances down at his own thigh wrapping the bandanna that had been over his mouth and nose tightly around the knife wound he has to stop the bleeding.

" I told you you little bitch, I wasn't going to make it that easy.", Katsuki grunts while he suddenly dumps the whisky bottle over Daluka's gun shot and knife wounds causing an out of control intense burning.

" Ahh! You crazy bastard!"

Katsuki only laughs as he stands a bit of a distance away lighting a cigarette.

" Yeah, I definitely am, thats a known fact in my world which is why it's so unbelievably fucking stupid that you would try and go after what belongs to me and not expect me to find you."

Daluka scoffs through his pain.

" He's a cop! You brought a cop into the organization. You know the code against that, you should have never been made the highest up!"

Katsuki stares at him with hatred in lava eyes. He removes the cigarette from his mouth and places the burning end on Daluka's neck rubbing it in causing a deep burn on his neck.

" Ahh you fuck!"

Katsuki grabs the males jaw in his large hand tightening it on the jaw he slammed his fist into causing Daluka to wince and almost whimper in pain.

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